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Please don't touch the artefacts
The text above means you are ... the artifacts.
A. unable to reach
B. permitted to touch
C. not allowed to hold
D. prohibited to take picture of

The following text is for questions 47 to 48.

Dear Susi,
Congratulations on your success in “The National English Storytelling Competition for Junior High School Student 2013."
You have beaten other finalists from all over Indonesia. You are best of the best. I knew you would win. You are so talented. Your English is excellent. You can act, sing and dance, too. I’m so proud of you.
I’m sure you’ll be more successful in the future.
Hug & Kisses,

47. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform other finalists of the competition result.
B. To show that Ria is very proud of herself.
C. To praise Susi on her success in winning the storytelling competition.
D. To encourage Susi tojoin The National English Storytelling Competition.

48. Which sentence in the text express a compliment?
A. You are so talented.
B. I know you would win.
C. You have beaten other finalists.
D. You’ll be more successful in the future.

The following text is for questions 49 to 50.

To: Mr. Syaiful, M.Pd.
Please tell all the teachers, school staff and students that there will be a cleaning activity on the following Friday. Students must bring cleaning equipment like pails, brushes and rags or napkins. Everyone must take part in this activity. I am so sorry I couldn't join you all because of the meeting I have in the head office. I will be at school the day after tomorrow.
Abdul Basith, M.Pd.

49. Who sent this message?
A. Syaiful, M.Pd.
B. One of the teachers.
C. One of the students.
D. Abdul Basith, M.Pd.

50. What is the purpose of this message?
A. To tell about his presence on Saturday morning.
B. To request students to bring cleaning equipment.
C. To remind the staff about the meeting in the head office.
D. To apologize for his absence from the cleaning activity.

Kunci jawaban:

46. Pilihan B jelas salah karena bertentangan dengan isi peringatan. Karena peringatan tersebut bersifat negatif, maka kita perlu mempersempit pilihan yang mengandung makna negatif. Dari pilihan C dan D, pilihan D salah karena kata “touch’ yang berarti menyentuh tidak mempunyai kesamaan arti dengan 'take picture of yang berarti mengambil gambar. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. not allowed to hold (tidak diijinkan memegang).
Jawaban: C
47. Untuk mengetahui tujuan teks, teknik sk/mm/ngditerapkan. Karena kata pertama dari awalteks adalah congratulations', kita

tahu bahwa teks tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan selamat dan memuji. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. To praise Susi on her success in winning the storytelling competition.
Jawaban: C
48. Pilihan Amerupakan pujian. Pilihan Bdan C adalah penegasan atas keberhasilan seseorang. Pilihan D merupakan harapan untuk masa depan. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.
Jawaban: A

49. Informasi mengenai pengirim surat ada di bawah surat, maka kita tahu bahwa pengirim surat itu adalah Abdul Basith, M.Pd. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.
Jawaban: D

50. Tujuan dari surat diungkapkan pada awal surat. Awal surat tersebut berbunyi ‘Please tell all the teachers, school staff and students that there will be a cleaning activity on the following Friday. Students must bring cleaning equipment....' Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. To request students to bring cleaning equipment.
Jawaban: B