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The following text is for questions 32 to 35.

First, turn on your PC. Then insert your modem into the modem slot. After that, install your modem in the modem program. Next, click ‘connect' in the modem program. If the blue light in the modem is on, this means that the modem is connected and you can start working with it. Choose one of the internet browser programs ant type the web address you want. When you finish using the modem, open the modem program again and click ‘exit’ after that then remove your modem from the modem slot. Finally, turn off your PC.

32. What is the text about?
A. Using a modem.
B. Creating a modem.
C. Inserting a modem.
D. Programming a modem.

33. What can we do when the light of the modem is on?
A. Install the modem.
B. Connect the modem.
C. Insert the modem to the PC.
D. Start working with the modem.

34. ”... open the modem program again and then remove
The word ‘remove’ means ....
A. Insert.
B. Eject.
C. Move.
D. Throw.

35. "... you can start working with it.” What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
A. The PC.
B. The laptop.
C. The modem.
D. The Internet.

The following text is for questions 36 to 38.

Everyyear.thereisanartprogramme in my school. It is conducted in the middle of the semester for two days. It is managed by OSIS. The programme involves all school members. There are two categories of the art performances: class and individual performances (only for third year students). They will perform drama, poetry reading, dance and choir.
First year students will perform dances. As there are 5 classes of the first graders, each class will perform either a traditional or a modern dance based on the envelope they choose. The envelope contains either yellow or green paper. Yellow paper means traditional dance, while green paper means the modern one. Every student gives support when their classmates perform on the stage.
The second year students will perform choirs. Each class has to sing two songs. The first is chosen from the list provided by the committee while the second song is selected by the team.
The third year students will play drama. The theme is taken from the story “Malin Kundang”. The students wear unique costumes based on the characters they play. Besides drama performance, there are also individual

performances, which are for third year students who are interested in poetry reading. The poem may be self-written or taken from any books. Every student will be enthusiastic in watching the show.

36. When does the art program take place?
A. Every year.
B. Every two days.
C. At the end of the semester.
D. In the middle of the semester.

37. The writer’s purpose of writing the text is
A. to invite the readers to come to his school
B. to describe an art program at his/her school
C. to describe a drama performance at his school
D. to show the students’talents in drama and dance

38. The third year students will perform ....
A. dance and choir
B. poem and drama
C. drama and traditional dances
D. Traditional and modern dances

The following text is for questions 39 to 42.

I have a Hamster named Scruffy. I got him from a pet shop in the mall. I named him Scruffy, because he always scratched his cage.
Since the first time I got Scruffy, I have fallen in love with him. He is a nice hamster. I put a wheel on his cage. He loves to exercise with it. He often sleeps all day and runs on his wheel all night.

That is the one I don’t like. It makes me feel lonely when he sleeps all the time. But I can’t do anything because I know that hamsters are nocturnal.
I spend my spare time with Scruffy. I talk about anything to him. I feel that he could understand me.
One day, I got confused because I lost my bicycle key. I tried to find it everywhere, but I couldn’t find it. I got tired and sat on my bed. I talked to Scruffy. Suddenly he jumped back and forth many times. When I opened his cage he ran quickly under my bed and he came up bringing my bicycle key. I was very surprised. This made me feel sure that Scruffy understood my words.

39. The text mainly tell us about....
A. an interesting moment with a pet hamster
B. an experience to take care a pet
C. an exercise with a pet hamster
D. the tips to raise a hamster

40. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. Scruffy was nocturnal.
B. Scruffy slept all the time.
C. The writer exercised Scruffy.
D. The hamster found the lost key.

41. Where did Scruffy find the key?
A. In his cage.
B. In the bicycle.
D. Under the bed.
C. On the wheel.

42. What does the writer do with Scruffy in his spare time?
A. Talks to him.
B. Exercise with him.
C. Sleeps together all day.
D. Gives him a bicycle ride.

The following text is for questions 43 to 45.

My Bedroom
My bedroom is (43) .... It's about four meters long and three meters wide. There is a bed across the door. A desk and a chair stand near the window. On the corner, stand three door wooden cupboards to (44) ... all of my stuff and my clothes. On the centre of the ceiling, a twenty-watt spiral lamp gives enough light for the entire of the room and functions as a reading lamp as well. I really thanked to my father who
designed the room because 1 have
enough space and I stay (45)... in it.

43. A. fabulous
B. spacious
C. hazardous
D. tremendous

44. A. keep
B. reach
C. move
D. share

45. A. comfortably
B. awkwardly
C. clumsy
D. quietly

Kunci jawaban:

32. Pertanyaan tersebutmerupakan pertanyaan mengenai gagasan utama. Gagasan utama tercermindarijudulteks. Judulteks tersebut adalah ‘HOW TO RUN A MODEM, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Using a modem.
Jawaban: A

33. Soal ini merupakan pertanyaan tertentu, sehingga kita menggunakan teknik scanning untuk menemukan jawabannya. Kata kunci untuk mencari jawaban adalah light, modem, dan on. Dalam teks tersebut, ada kalimat 'If the blue light in the modem is on, this means that the modem is connected and can start working with it.' Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. Start working with the modem.
Jawaban: D

34. Untuk menemukan sinonim dari kata asing kita dapat menebak maknanya dengan membaca kalimat yang mengandung kata tersebut. Kalimat dalam teks adalah ‘When you finish using the modem, open the modem program and click ‘exit’ after that then remove your modem from the modem slot.’ Dari kalimat tersebut kita tahu bahwa remove dilakukan setelah selesai menggunakan modem. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. Eject.
Jawaban: B

35. Untuk mencari kata rujukan dari kata ganti 'if, kita perlu membaca kalimatsebelumnya. Kalimat sebelumnya berbunyi ‘If the blue light in the modem is on, this means that the modem is connected and can start working with it.' Dari kalimat tersebut, carilah kata benda yang mempunyai kata ganti 'it'. Dari situ kita tahu bahwa kata ‘it menggantikan kata ‘the modem’.Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C.
Jawaban: C

36. Soal tersebut adalah pertanyaan tertentu. Yang perlu kita cari adalah kata yang menunjukkan waktu untuk pertanyaan ‘when’. Teknik yang digunakan adalah scanning. Dua kalimat pertama pada paragraf pertama berbunyi ‘Every year, there is an art program in my school. It is conducted in the midde of semester for two days'. Dari kalimat tersebut, kita mengetahui bahwa jawaban yang tepat adalah D. in the middle of the semester.
Jawaban: D

37. Untuk mengetahui tujuan penulis membuat teks, kita perlu menangkap isi dari teks dengan menggunakan teknik skimming. Dari teks tersebut, kita tahu bahwa penulis menjelaskan tentang program kesenian di sekolahnya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. to describe an art program at his/her school.
Jawaban: B

38. Soal ini merupakan pertanyaan tertentu yang dapat ditemukan jawabannya dengan teknik scanning. Kata kunci untuk soal ini adalah third year students. Dari bacaan, kita menemukan kalimat 'The third year students will play drama' dan 'Besides drama performances, there are also individual performances, which are for third year students who are interested in poetry reading'. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. poem and drama.
Jawaban: B

39. Soal ini menanyakan tentang inti bacaan. Untuk menemukan jawabannya, kita menggunakan teknik skimming. Inti dari bacaan tersebut adalah pengalaman mengejutkan penulisdengan peliharaannya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. an interesting moment with a hamster.
Jawaban: A

40. Pertanyaan ini berhubungan dengan ide pokok paragrafterakhir, sehingga kita perlu membaca paragrafterakhir dengan teknik skimming. Paragraf ini memberitahukan bagaimana Scruffy menemukan kunci yang hilang, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah D. The hamster found the lost key.
Jawaban: D

41. Pertanyaan ini berhubungan dengan informasi tertentu. Kata tanya 'where' menanyakan tempat. Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan di mana Scruffy menemukan kunci. Dari pertanyaan sebelumnya kita tahu bahwa bagian yang menceritakan penemuan kunci ada di paragrafterakhir. Oleh karena itu, kita menggunakan teknik scanning hanya pada paragraf ini. Dari paragraf tersebut, kita menemukan kalimat 'When I open his cage he ran quickly under my bed and he came up bringing my bicycle key1. Dari kalimat tersebut, kita tahu bahwa jawaban yang tepat adalah D. Under the bed.
Jawaban: D

42. Pertanyaan ini merupakan pertanyaan tertentu yang dapat diselesaikan dengan teknik scanning menggunakan kata kunci spare time. Pada paragraf ketiga, ada kalimat 7 spend my spare time with Scruffy. I talk anything to him'. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Talks to him.
Jawaban: A

43. Untuk menemukan pilihan yang tepat, kita perlu membaca kalimat selanjutnya 'It’s about four meters and three meters wide'. Dari kalimat tersebut, kita mengetahui bahwa kamar penulis luas, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah B. spacious.
Jawaban: B

44. Pilihan ini perlu diisi dengan fungsi barang (wooden cupboard) yang tertulis sebelum bagian rumpang. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. keep.
Jawaban: A

45. Untuk melengkapi kalimat rumpang kita perlu memperhatikan kalimat pada rumpang itu sendiri. Kalimat itu berbunyi 7 really thanked my father who designed the room because I have enough space and I stay it. Dari kalimat tersebut dinyatakan bahwa penulis mendapat ruang yang lega. Hal ini tentu memberikan kenyamanan bagi penulis, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Comfortably.
Jawaban: A