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The following text is for questions 1 to 4.

Once upon time, there was a beautiful girl called Maria. She was tall, with black eyes, and long shining hair. The colour of her skin was light brown.
One morning, while she was collecting firewood, she met a young man. He looked like a hunter. He was tall, handsome and very neatly dressed. No one knew who he was or where he came from nor did anyone know his name. He did not Maria about himself. Maria and this young man became good friends for a long time. They fell in love with each other. Maria wished he would marry her. But the young man never proposed Maria. This made Maria unhappy. She persuaded the young man to marry her. She told him that they would be happy together because both of them did not have any family.
The young man did not agree with Maria’s idea. He told Maria that he was not a human being. He was a spirit from the sky. They were different and they were not allowed to get married. Maria was very surprised. She did not know what to say. The young man said that he had to come back to the sky. He did not want Maria know much about him.
Knowing the truth Maria was very disappointed and felt so sad. Maria held the young man’s hand tightly. She did not want to be separated from him. Suddenly there was a blinding flash of light and the young man disappeared. Maria was frightened when she knew that the man disappeared and he left his hand on Maria’s.
Maria ran to her house and buried the man’s hand in her garden. Soon, she saw a strange plant growing where she had buried it. The plant grew fast and some fruits appeared. The colour of the fruits is yellow and it looks like a man’s hand with finger on it. That is how the fruit came to be known as banana, originated according to the legend.

1. The text mainly tells us about....
A. the story of the first banana
B. the young man’s dream
C. Maria’s love story
D. Maria’s marriage

2. What happened to the man after the flash?
He ....
A. died
B. disappeared
C. ran to his house
D. hid behind a tree.

3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The young man proposed to Maria.
B. Maria was a spirit from the sky.
C. The young man was not a human being.
D. Maria didn’t want to marry the young man.

4. From the story we can learn that you ....
A. should get to know your friend well
B. should not trust strangers completely
C. should not marry other creatures
D. should never tell the truth

The following text is for questions 5 to 9.

Held annually as a community celebration, Dieng festival presents various art and cultural performances, Dieng’s finest product exhibition, and to top it all is the unique dreadlock kids’ ritual ceremonies (or Ruwatan anak gembel/gimbal).
The Festival features Dieng’s own distinct traditional art forms such as the Rodad Dance, Lengger Dance, Rampak Yakso, Warokan, Barongsai, Cakil Dance, and Wayang Kulit or Javanese leather puppet show.
As the main feature of the festival, the ceremonies of shaving off the kids’ dreadlock hair are truly exceptional. While globally dreadlock hair is commonly known from Jamaica, in the highlands of Dieng, dreadlock is a mystical feature which only occurs in children. According to local belief, these kids are somehow chosen by their ancestors to hold these gifts, and that the dreadlock must not be trimmed until the children ask for it. The precious moments when these dreadlocks are shaven are celebrated in a series of ritual ceremonies known as the ruwatan anak gimbal.
The ceremonies are started with the procession of the dreadlock kids around the village. They are paraded on Javanese traditional horse drawn carriage or Dokar guarded by Manggala Yudha or royal troops and followed by various traditional art processions. Then they are taken to the Arjuna Temple in the Dieng Temple complex where the ritual of the dreadlock hair cutting will take place. Subsequently, the hair will be taken to the lake and submerged as symbol of returning the hair to the ancestors.

5. The suitable title for the text above is ....
A. Dieng Cultural Festival
B. Dieng Traditional Dances
C. Dieng Temple Complex
D. Dreadlocks Hairstyle

6. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The ritual of cutting the children’s dreadlocks is exceptional.
B. Javanese traditional horse drawing carriage is called dokar.
C. Dieng people have their own troops of army.
D. The ritual is a long and complicated process.

7. Where is the ritual originated?
A. Java.
B. Dieng.
C. Jamaica.
D. Vilagges.

8. Why is the children’s hair taken to the lake?
A. To be guarded by the royal troops.
B. To be exibited to the community.
C. As a symbol that they are the chosen one.
D. As a symbol of returning it to the ancestors.

9. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To entertain the readers.
B. To describe a certain hairstyle.
C. To describe cultural activities.
D. To retell about special children.

The following text is for questions 10 to 11.


NatraBurst™ is a powerful food source consisting of a wide variety of premium ingredients, which work together to provide a variety of health benefits. Each serving contains the equivalent of more than 6 vegetables and fruits, with and ORAC value of 4.000+. Additionally, NatraBurst™ help support lean muscle mass with its concentration of high quality protein.
• Increase energy
• Reduce appetite
• Promote Fat Loss
• Anti-Aging
• Promote Healthy Skin

10. What's the benefit of consuming NatraBurst?
A. Increasing appetite.
B. Decreasing energy.
C. Promote fat loss.
D. Promote healthy hair.

11. The purpose of the text is ....
A. to warn the reader the danger of the product
B. to describe the composition of the product
C. to persuade people to consume the product
D. to tell the reader how to use the product

The following text is for questions 12 to 14.

After the class was over, I (12) ... the school quickly. My watch showed 2:30 p.m. as I got on my bicycle. I pedalled hard and was soon speeding home. My thought went back to the math (13)... that I had just had in class. I could remember (14) ... how I read the formula again and again last night. I was glad that I had studied hard for that test.

12. A. left
B. went
C. came
D. visited

13. A. problem
B. lesson
C. story
D. quiz

14. A. clearly
B. slowly
C. loudly
D. softly

15. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.
when - wants - a doctor - she - grows - up - or - a lawyer - to be - Wina

A. 9-5-8-3-6-7-1-4-2
B. 9-2-8-3-6-7-1-4-5
C. 4-2-8-3-6-7-1-9-5
D. 4-2-8-3-1-9-5-6-7

Kunci jawaban:

1. Soal tersebut merupakan pertanyaan mengenai gambaran umum dari teks. Dengan teknik skimming (membaca cepat), kamu tahu bahwa bacaan tersebut berisi tentang asal mula pohon pisang. Hal ini diperkuat dengan kalimat terakhir pada paragraf terakhir, ‘This is how the fruit came to be known as banana, originated according to the legencf. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal di atas adalah A. the story of the first banana (cerita tentang pertama kalinya ada pisang).
Jawaban: A

2. Pertanyaan tersebut merupakan pertanyaan tertentu. Teknik scanning diperlukan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Soal tersebut menanyakan hal yang terjadi pada laki-laki tersebut setelah adanya cahaya. Kata kunci dari pertanyaan adalah flash. Setelah menemukan kata tersebut perhatikan kalimat sebelum, sesudah, dan kalimat di mana kata flash berada. Dari kalimat ‘Suddenly there was a blinding flash of the light and the young man disappeared, kita tahu bahwa laki-laki tersebut d/sappeared(menghilang) setelah ada cahaya menyilaukan. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.
Jawaban: B

3. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan main idea (gagasan utama), teknik yang diperlukan adalah skimming. Bacalah dengan cepat paragraf ketiga. Paragraf ketiga berisi tentang kenyataan bahwa pemuda itu bukan manusia, maka jawaban yang tepat adalahC. The young man was not a human being. Selain itu, pernyataan pilihan jawaban lain tidak benar menurut teks.
Jawaban: C

4. Untuk mencari pesan moral dalam cerita, kita perlu mengambil kesimpulan setelah membaca cepat. Menurut cerita tersebut, Maria tidak tahu apa-apa mengenai pemuda yang disukainya meskipun sudah berteman lama. Maria terlambat mengetahui bahwa pemuda itu bukan manusia karena Maria terlanjur menyukainya. Oleh karena itu, kita perlu mengenai teman kita dengan baik agar hal yang tidak seharusnya terjadi dapat dihindari. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah A. should get to know your friend well.
Jawaban: A

5. Soal mengenai judul teks merupakan salah satu jenis pertanyaan mengenai gambaran umum bacaan. Oleh karena itu, tekniksk/mm/ngdiperlukan. Kata yang diulang-ulang dalam setiap paragraf adalah festival. Kalimat utama paragraf pertama hingga ketiga juga berhubungan dengan festival di Dieng. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Dieng Cultural Festival.
Jawaban: A

6. Pertanyaan ini merupakan pertanyaan mengenai gagasan utama paragraf. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita perlu menerapkan teknik skimming di paragraf terakhir. Kalimat utama pada paragraf ini terdapat di paragraf pertama, yaitu 'The ceremonies are started with the procession of the dreadlocks kids around the village'. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan tersebut adalah A. The ritual of cutting the children’s dreadlocks is exceptional.
Jawaban: A

7. Pertanyaan tersebut merupakan bentuk pertanyaan tertentu, maka kita menggunakan teknik scanning untuk menemukan jawabannya. Kata kunci dari pertanyaan ini adalah originated, ritual, dan kata yang mempunyai makna serupa. Kalimat pertama paragraf kedua berbunyi ‘The festival features Dieng’s own distinct traditional art forms (Festival tersebut menonjolkan bentuk kesenian tradisional khas Dieng ...). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Java.
Jawaban: A

8. Pertanyaan tersebut merupakan pertanyaan terperinci. Sama halnya dengan pertanyaan tertentu, teknik scanning diaplikasikan untuk mencari jawaban. Kata kunci untuk pertanyaan ini adalah hair, taken, dan lake. Kalimat terakhir, paragraf terakhir berbunyi 'Subsequently, the hair will be taken to the lake and submerged as symbol of returning the hair of the ancestor". Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. As a symbol of returning it to the ancestors.
Jawaban: D

9. Pertanyaan ini berhubungan dengan tujuan teks yang tersampaikan jika teks tersebut dibaca. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita menggunakan teknik skimming. Dengan membaca cepat, kitatahun bahwa teks ini menjelaskan tentang festival yang ada di Dieng. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. To describe cultural activities.
Jawaban: C

10. Pertanyaantersebut merupakan pertanyaan tertentu, sehingga teknik scanning digunakan untuk menemukan jawaban. Kata kunci untuk pertanyaan ini adalah benefityang berarti manfaatdan kata yang mempunyai persamaan makna. Kalimat terakhir teks merupakan daftar manfaat NatraBurst. Berdasarkan daftar tersebut jawaban yang tepat adalah C. Promote fat loss.
Jawaban: C

11. Soal ini merupakan pertanyaan tersirat, sehingga kita perlu menganalisis dan menyimpulkan. Berdasarkan kalimat BUY 2 GET 1 FOR FREE ON SELECTED STORE, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa kalimat tersebut bersifat persuasif dan mendorong pembaca untuk membeli dan mengonsumsinya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. to persuade people to consume the product.
Jawaban: C

12. Kata kunci untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah ‘After the class over*. Setelah pelajaran selesai, yang dilakukan siswa adalah pulang, meninggalkan sekolah. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. left (meninggalkan).
Jawaban: A

13. Dalam pelajaran matematika, hal yang dikerjakan siswa adalah menyelesaikan soal matematika. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adallah A. problem karena dalam bahasa Inggris soal matematika disebut math problems.
Jawaban: A

14. Kata remember berarti mengingat. Pilihan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah kata bantu kerja (adverb) yang ditandai dengan imbuhan -ly. Ketika seseorang mengingat, dia dapat mengingat dengan jelas atau mengingat dengan samar. Menurut pilihan jawaban yang ada, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A. clearly (dengan jelas).
Jawaban: A

15. Menurut pilihan, pilihan subjek dalam kalimat adalah ‘Wina’ dan ‘she’. Karena kata ‘she' merupakan kata ganti dari Wina, hendaknya kata Wina menjadi subjek kalimat. Setelah pilihan Adan B disusun, hendaknya kita memilih kalimat yang mempunyai makna Wina ingin menjadi dokter atau pengacara ketika dewasa, bukan Wina tumbuh menjadi dokter atau pengacara ketika dia ingin. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.
Jawaban: B