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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Quantifier and Distributive" (3)

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Posts: 35
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Joined: 2 years ago
15. ... oftheteachers are attending a meeting today.
A. Every
B. All
C. Each
D. A few
16. ... in my class has long hair.
A. All girls
B. A few girls
C. A lot of girls
D. Every girl
17. ... Hana and Hani are very clever and funny.
A. Both
B. Each
C. Every
D. Some
18. My uncle spent ... money on home appliances.
A. a lot of
B. many
C. a few
D. any
19. ... of the girls has a flower.
A. Some
B. All
C. Each
D. Any
20. Grandpa was being visited by ... friends.
A. a little
B. a few
C. any
D. much
21. Fenny Which newspaper is yours? This one or that one?
Yudo : ... of them.
Fenny Are they?
Yudo Yes, they are. Not only the urabaya Post, but also the Jakarta Post is good and useful for me.
A. Some B. Each C. Both D. None
22. All I have eaten today is a ... ofchips.
A. bar
B. pack
C. sack
D. package
23. I’m on a diet, but I think I might have a small... of cake.
A. cut
B. part.
C. slice
D. segment
24. The soup will taste nicer is you add a ... of salt.
A. pack
B. slice
C. lump
D. pinch
25. I was so hungry that I ate a whole ... of cookies.
A. bar
B. pack
C. cake
D. package

26. Please, put a new ... of soap in the bathroom.
A. bar
B. pack
C. packet
D. segment

27. He cut himself when he was opening a ... of soup.
A. jar
B. can
C. box
D. bottle

28. There’s always a ... of corn flakes on the table at breakfast.
A. jar
B. box
C. can
D. pack

29. Can I have a ... of coke, please?
A. jar
B. can
C. box.
D. packet

30. I try not to have more than one ... of chocolate a day.
A. jar
B. bar
C. pack

Kunci jawaban:

  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. B
  15. B
  16. B