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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Notice and Caution" (10)

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What does the notice mean?

A. We must throw away the cap.

B. We must place the cap back in position after we use the product.

C. We must keep the cap in place when we want to use the product.

D. We must change the cap with a new one after we use the product.

2. What may happen if we don’t replace the cap after use?

A. We may lose it.

B. We may buy a new one.

C. We will have the product for good.

D. We may find the product dry

3. What is NOT CORRECT according to the following caution?

A. The product may cause rash or irritation.

B. Some people may be allergic with the product.

C. We cannot stop using the product even when rash develops.

D. We must consult our doctor if we develop irritation.

4. What is the use of the above caution?

A. To tell us that the doctor will come to help us.

B. To tell us what to do if certain conditions occur.

C. To inform us how to use the product.

D. To inform us what not to do according to the doctors.

5. Which is NOT a notice?

A. You are not allowed to enter.

B. Do not enter.

C. No entry.

D. No trespassing.

6. What is the use of a notice?

A. To inform people how to get to certain places.

B. To show the procedures to do something.

C. To inform people of what to do or not to do about something.

D. To give directions.


The notice can be found at....

A. cafés

B. hotels

C. hospitals

D. restaurants

Kunci jawaban:

  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A