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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Elliptical Structure" (2)

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1. I can’t play drums, and Jihan can ....
A. too
B. not too
C. either
D. not either

2. They have watched the movie and so . we.
A. had
B. has
C. have
D. do

3. Hanna didn’t go to the beach, and ....
A. I didn’t too
B. so did I
C. neither did I
D. I did either

4. My friends can swim ... I can’t.
A. and
B. but
C. so
D. either

5. I didn’t see Donna last night and ....
A. Hera did, too
B. so did Hera
C. neither did Hera
D. Hera wasn’t either

6. Most of the students hates Mathematics, but I ....
A. am
B. do
C. am not
D. don’t

7 but I have.
A. Gina and Sarah have seen the new teacher
B. Gina and Sarah are seeing the new teacher
C. Gina and Sarah haven’t seen the new teacher
D. Gina and Sarah aren’t seeing the new teacher

8. Yukkie never comes late to school, and Fizi ....
A. doesn't either
B. does too
C. doesn’t come too
D. comes either

9. Dean doesn't like baseball, and Ryan ....
A. doesn’t either
B. doesn’t
C. doesn’t too
D. does too

10. Andy knows the answer
A. but Tina does
B. but Tina doesn’t
C. but Tina won’t
D. but Tina didn’t

11. Lana hasn’t returned the book, and neither is Fifi.
The sentence means ....
A. Lana hasn’t returned the book, but Fifi has.
B. Lana has returned the book, but Fifi hasn’t.
C. Both Lana and Fifi have returned the book.
D. Both Lana and Fifi haven’t returned the book.

12. Joshua: What did you buy in the school fair last week?
Lala : I didn’t buy anything.
Joshua: ....
A. So did I.
B. I did too.
C. Neither did I.
D. Either did I.

13. Nina : I have an extra lesson today.
Vicky : ...
A. I don't either.
B. Neither do I.
C. So do I.
D. I am too.

14. Raya : My Dad will attend the school’s meeting.
Dian : ...
A. So will my Dad.
B. My Dad won't either.
C. So would my Dad.
D. Neither will my Dad.

Kunci jawaban:

  1. D
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A