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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Conditional Type-1" (3)

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15. If you want to catch the train, you (have) to hurry. The proper form for the verb in the brackets is ....
A. had
B. have
C. will have
D. would have

16. If I go out tonight, I (let) you know.
The proper form for the verb in the brackets is....
A. let
B. lets
C. will let
D. will have let

17. If you ..., he will never speak to you again.
A. don’t apologize
B. aren’t apologize
C. didn’t apologize
D. haven’t apologize

18. If he eats breakfast, he ... by noon.
A. is not hungry
B. will not hungry
C. will not have be hungry
D. will not be hungry

19. John will not make a lot of mistakes ....
The correct if-sentence would be ....
A. if he is not in a hurry
B. if he was not in a hurry
C. if he does not in a hurry
D. if he has not in a hurry

20. ... if I have money.
The correct main clause would be ....
A. I will not buy that DVD
B. I will buy that DVD
C. I am buying that DVD
D. I buy that DVD

21. The people here will die of hunger if the dry season ... longer.
A. lasts
B. lasted
C. will last
D. has lasted

22. If you want me to, I ... the shopping.
A. did
B. can do
C. would do
D. had done

23. She will have many friends if she ...
A. would try
B. has tried
C. tried
D. tries

24. If it rains, you ... wet.
A. get
B. got
C. will get
E. would get

25. If I come, I ... you.
A. saw
B. sees
C. will see
D. would see

26. You will catch the train if you ... earlier.
A. left
B. leave
C. leaves
D. would leave

27. If I ... to Leipzig, I'll visit the zoo.
A. go
B. went
C. will go
D. had gone

28. If you ... my bike, I ... you with the math homework.
A. repairs - helps
B. repair-will help
C. will repair - help
D. repaired - helped

29. It... too hot if he ... to Greece in August.
B. be - travel
A. is-will travel
D. was - traveled
C. will be - travels

30. The policeman ... the way if you ... him
B. told - asks
A. tell-will ask
C. tells - asked
D. will tell-ask

Kunci jawaban:

  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. C
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D