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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Conditional Type-1" (1)

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1. Many animals and plants live in the sea. Therefore, the sea may save humans from hunger... we look after it.
A. if
B. while
C. because
D. although
Jawaban: A
Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat pengandaian, maka perlu dihubungkan dengan kata pengandaian if.

2. X : Do you believe that Indonesia will become a prosperous country?
Y : Of course ... the citizens work hard.
A. if
B. so
C. unless
D. although
Jawaban: A
Untuk pengandaian yang terjadi jika syarat terpenuhi, kata hubung yang dipakai adalah if.

3. The ... for a swim if the weather is fine.
A. will go
B. have gone
C. were going
D. will have gone
Jawaban: A
Untuk kejadian yang mungkin terjadi di saat ini, efek suatu kejadian dinyatakan dalam the simple future.

4. Yuni: Will you come to the meeting?
Bob: I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind. What will topic be?
Yuni: Water supplies for our village. It’s interesting, isn’t it?
Bob: OK. I will come if it....
A. didn’t rain
B. doesn’t rain
C. isn't raining
D. hasn't rained
Jawaban: B
Klausa persyaratan untuk pengandaian yang mungkin terjadi menggunakan the simple present.

5. Habib : We are going to Botanical Garden tomorrow. Would you like to come along with us?
Muhaimin : I'd love to, but 1 have to ask my for parents’ permission first.
Habib Muhaimin : Good. : If they ... me, 1 ... with you.
A. will permit-will go
B. permit-will go
C. will permit-go
D. permit-go
Jawaban: B
Untuk kalimat pengandain yang mungkin terjadi, klausa persyaratan menggunakan thes simple present, sedangkan klausa efek menggunakan the simple future.