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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Comparison of Adjectives" (2)

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1. That is the ... story I have ever heard.
A. fun
B. funny
C. funnier
D. funniest

2. Eric can sing ... than I.
A. good
B. more good
C. better
D. best

3. Nina is as ... as you in class.
A. smart
B. smarter
C. smartest
D. the smartest

4. Can you speak ...? I can’t hear you.
A. loud
B. more loud
C. louder
D. the loudest

5. Yuki plays drums as ..

A. good B. better C. best D. the best . as Mike

6. Kayla is the ... girl I’ve ever met. She’s 198 cm.
A. the tallest
B. tallest
C. tall
D. taller

7. Is this the ... way to school? I don’t want to be late.
A. fast
B. faster
C. fastest
D. more faster

8. Sandra is ... than Hana, but she’s not the
A. shorter, short
B. shortest, shorter
C. short, shorter
D. shorter, shortest

9. Finally I can be the ... in class for Math.
A. good
B. best
C. better
D. most good

10. I have never seen anyone as ... as Jimmy.
A. stubborn
B. more stubborn
C. most stubborn
D. as stubborn

11. The bag is ... than the purse.
A. heavy
B. as heavy as
C. more heavy
D. heavier

12. Wow! This is the ... dress I’ve ever have.
A. more pretty
B. prettiest
C. most pretty
D. most prettier

13. The cave is ... than I thought.
A. dark
B. as dark as
C. darker
D. darkest

14. Today is the ... day of the whole week.
A. good
B. better
C. finer
D. finest

15. Lily sings ... than me.
A. bad
B. as bad as
C. worse
D. worst

16. This cake is ... than that brownie, but the tiramisu is the ....
A. sweet, sweeter
B. sweet, sweetest
C. sweetest, sweeter
D. sweeter, sweetest

17. Can you put this picture ... than that one?
A. high
B. as high as
C. higher
D. the highest

18. The elevator took us to the ... level of the mine.
A. the lowest
B. lowest
C. lower
D. lower than

19. This winter is ... than the last one.
A. more cold
B. colder
C. the most cold
D. the coldest

20. Covered with mud, the boys are as ... as the buffaloes.
A. dirty
B. as dirty as
C. dirtier than
D. the dirtiest