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Read the text and answer questions 1 and 3.

Student Writing Contest

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invites submissions of poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays for this year’s Student Writing Contest.
MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only, please) double-spaced, and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: title, category, word count, author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution. Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscript itself.
poetry, fiction, and journalistic essays.
Student Writing Contest
The Atlantic Monthly
77 N. Washington Steer
Boston, MA 02114

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe a student writing contest.
B. To announce a student writing contest.
C. To amuse students with writing contest.
D. To retell students about writing contest.

Jawaban: B

Teks di atas berisi pengumuman diadakannya student writing contest atau lomba karya tulis siswa, lengkap dengan jenis-jenis tulisan, syarat-syarat penulisan, dan cara pengiriman naskah. Jadi, tujuan teks tersebut adalah untuk mengumumkan lomba te announce a student writing

2. The following are required to that the participants should prepare, except that they are ....
A. original
B. unpublished
C. easy to read
D. typewritten

Jawaban: C

Pada teks disebutkan bahwa syarat naskah yang diikutsertakan dalam lomba adalah diketik dengan spasi ganda (should be typewritten (one side only, please) doublespaced). Selain itu, seperti yang sudah kita ketahui dalam perlombaan seperti ini naskah yang diikutsertakan harus karya asli penulis (original) dan belum pernah diterbitkan (unpublished). Karena itu pilihan easy to read bukan syarat yang diajukan dalam lomba.

3. The following information is not needed to be put on the cover sheet....

A. title
B. category
C. e-mail address
D. curriculum vitae

Jawaban: D

Pada teks disebutkan “accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: title, category, word count, author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution" yang berarti disertai lembaran sampul yang memuat keterangan berikut: judul, kategori, jumlah kata dalam esai, nama penulis, alamat, nomor telepon, alamat e-mail, dan institusi akademik). Jadi, yang tidak perlu dicantumkan adalah curriculum vitae.

Read the text and answer questions 4 to 7.

Holiday classes at a learning center for nursery, Kindergarten, and primary school children
• Supervised reading program
• Creative writing
• Poetry appreciation
• Art in action
• Speech training
• Grooming and etiquette
- Qualified teachers
- Friendly atmosphere
- A two-hour class twice a week
Call 03-2386 0505

4. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT according to the announcement above?

A. Classes are held twice a week.
B. Each session will last for two hours.
C. Only kindergarten students can attend the class.
D. There are six programs for the holiday classes.

Jawaban: C

Berdasarkan pengumuman di atas, kegiatan liburan tersebut dirancang untuk nursery, kindergarten, and primary school. Jadi, kalimat yang tidak sesuai dengan keterangan dalam teks adalah Only kindergarten students can attend the class.

5. How many programs does the learning centre offer?
A. One.
B. Three.
C. Six.
D. Nine.

Jawaban: C

Ada enam program yang ditawarkan kegiatan tersebut, yaitu supervised reading program, creative writing, poetry appreciation, art in action, speech training, dan grooming and etiquette.

6. “Friendly atmosphere".
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Easy
B. Helpful
C. Pleasant
D. Dull

Jawaban: C

Kata friendly berarti “ramah” atau “bersahabat”. Sementara itu katakata pada pilihan jawaban secara berturut-turut: easy = mudah; helpful = membantu; pleasant = menyenangkan; dan dull= membosankan. Jadi, kata yang mempunyai makna sepadan dengan “bersahabat” adalah “menyenangkan” (pleasant).

7. “A two-hour class twice a week"
It means ....

A. the students will study on Tuesdays and Fridays
B. the students will study for two hours in a week
C. the students will study in two classes
D. the students will study for four hours in a week

Jawaban: D

Kalimat A two-hour class twice a week berarti dalam seminggu akan ada dua kali pertemuan dengan masing-masing pertemuan berdurasi dua jam. Jadi, dalam seminggu total jam belajar siswa adalah empat jam (the students will study for four hours in a week).

Read the text and answer questions 8 to 10.

To all teachers and staff of SMP NUSANTARA
A one-day meeting will be held this week:
When : Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 1:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Where : Room 109
Topic : National Examinations preparation
Due to the importance of the meeting, please be punctual. Bring your ideas; and suggestions to make our students successful in the examination!
The head of the National Examinations committee
Mr. Adnan Nasution

8. What is the meeting for?

A. To talk about the preparation for the National Examinations.
B. To give solution for the examination problem.
C. To discuss about the National Examinations.
D. To ask teachers to face the National Examinations.

Jawaban: A

Tujuan diadakannya rapat tersebut terdapat pada topik yang dicantumkan pada pengumuman tersebut, yaitu “National Examinations preparation”.

9. From the text above we can conclude that....

A. the National Examinations have already been done
B. all students are successful in the National Examinations
C. the meeting is done before the National Examinations
D. the teacher must be pleased with the result of the National Examinations

Jawaban: C

Berdasarkan pengumuman tersebut, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa rapat diadakan untuk menghadapi ujian nasional. Jadi, ujian nasional belum terjadi. Oleh karena itu:

A. the national examination has already been done -> salah
B. all students are successful in the national examination -> salah
C. the meeting is done before the national examination benar
D. the teacher m ust be pleased with the result of the national examination —► salah
kita tahu bahwa pengamatan akan berlangsung seminggu. Karena sekolah masuk 6 hari ddalam seminggu, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

10. Mr. Adnan Nasution is the ....

A. principal
B. teacher
C. examination committee member
D. head of the National Examination Committee

Jawaban: D

Pada teks tercantum bahwa pengundang adalah The head of the National Examination committee, Mr. Adnan Nasution.

Read the text to answer questions 11 to 13.


Toromorrow our school will celebrate “HARDIKNAS". There will be no lesson. However, we will hold a flag ceremony and also some competitions. One of them is the best classroom competition. Decorate your classroom as creative as possible. Some "Secret Jury" will score your class randomly. The observation will last for a week. All class leaders have to cooperate with their home teacher and their own classmates. Other competitions are stated on the announcement board. For more information, please read the annorurcement board. Thank you.

11. How long will the “Secret Jury” observe the classrooms?

A. Six days.
B. Five days.
C. Nine days.
D. Eight days.

Jawaban: A

Pengumuman menyebutkan bahwa "The observation will last for a week.” Berdasarkan pengumuman tersebut, kita tahu bahwa pengamatan akan berlangsung seminggu. Karena sekolah masuk 6 hari ddalam seminggu, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

12. What should the students do to make the best classroom?

A. Observe other classrooms.
B. Creatively decorate the classroom.
C. Conmmunicate with the “Secret Jury.”
D. Meet the home teacher and their classmates.

Jawaban: B

Pengumuman menyebutkan “Decorate your classroom as creative as possible” yang berarti siswa harus menghias kelas mereka sekreatif mungkin.

13. “One of them is the best classroom competition."
The underlined word refers to ....

A. jurry
B. teachers
C. classrooms
D. competitions

Jawaban: D

Kata “them" mengacu pada kata sebelumnya. Kita dapat mengetahuinya dari kalimat sebelumnya. Kalimat sebelumnya adalah “However, we will hold a flag ceremony and also some competitions.” Kata “them” merupakan kataganti jamak. Dari kalimatsebelumnya kita tahu bahwa kata benda jamak dalam kalimat tersebut adalah “competitions”. Jadi, kata “them" mengacu pada kata tersebut.

Read the text to answer questions 14 to 15.

To: all grade VII students
Since you are not library members yet, you need to complete the documents below:
1. Registration form (available at the library);
2. 2 coloured photographs (2x3 cm in I size); and
3. A recommendation letter from the principal.
You’ll be attended by the library officer ( from September 2 to September 16, 2013 during working hour. The card will be in your hand a week after the closing date of registration. Being a member is obligatory in our school. Make sure that | you submit all the documents.
Mr. Raja Head of Library

14. A new student can register as a library member on ....

A. September 2 to September 16, 2013
B. any day during the working hour
C. the day they enroll in the school
D. a week after the closing date

Jawaban: A

Pengumuman tersebut menyebutkan bahwa “You’ll be attended by the library officer from September 2 to September 16, 2013 during working hour.” Jadi, siswa dapat mendaftar hanya selama jam kerja dari tanggal 2 September sampai 16 September 2013.

15. It is said that one of the students’ obligations is to ....

A. contact the library officer
B. fulfil and submit their name
C. have a library card immediately
D. get permission from the principal

Jawaban: C

Pengumuman menyatakan bahwa “Being a member is obligatory in our school." Keanggotaan perpustakaan ditunjukkan dengan kartu keanggotaan perpustakaan, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah C.