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Cara menyatakan bentuk singular dan plural pada uncountable noun

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Bagaimana cara menyatakan dua potong daging, dua potong roti, dan sebagainya dalam bahasa Inggris?

Untuk buah apel jika kita ingin mengatakan dua buah apel maka kita bisa mengatakan "two apples" dengan menambahkan "-s" di belakang kata apel tadi sebab apple termasuk countable noun. Bagaimana dengan daging atau meat yang merupakan uncountable noun?

Perhatikan tabel berikut ini:

singular arti plural arti
a piece of bread Sepotong roti two pieces of bread  Dua potong roti
a piece of meat  Sepotong daging three pieces of meat  Tiga potong daging
a loaf of bread  Satu papan roti two loaves of bread Dua papan roti
a bar of soap  Sebatang sabun two bars of soap  Dua batang sabun
a glass of milk  Segelas susu four glasses of milk  Empat gelas susu
an ear of corn   two ears of corn  
a piece of music Satu buah musik three pieces of music  Tiga buah lagu
a piece of news  Sepotong berita two pieces of news Dua potong berita
a piece of mail  Sepucuk surat two pieces of mail  Dua pucuk surat
a piece of toast  Sepotong roti bakar two pieces of toast  Dua potong roti bakar
a piece of advice  Sebuah saran two pieces of advice  Dua buah saran
a piece of information  Sebuah infomasi two pieces of information  Dua buah informasi
a gust of wind  Sehembusan angin two gusts of wind  Dua hembusan angin
a slice of bread  Sepotong roti five slices of bread  Lima potong roti
a bolt of lightning  Seloncatan kilat two bolts of lightning  Dua loncatan kilat
a clap of thunder  Sesambaran guntur two claps of thunder  Dua sambaran guntur

Pola atau rumus kalimatnya sebagai berikut:

Jika digunakan dalam kalimat ungkapan kata benda dapat dihitung dan tak dapat dihitung bisa ditulis:

S + V + idiom + uncountable noun

Contoh kalimatnya:

  • They took a slice of toast yesterday
  • He takes two glasses of milk now

Sekarang perhatikan contoh kalimat-kalimat berikut ini:

Incorrect: Rina buys two slice of bread in store.
Correct   : Rina buys two slices of bread in store.

Incorrect: I heard three clap of thunder last night.
Correct   : I heard three claps of thunder last night.

Incorrect: My mother has received many piece of information about her daughter lately.
Correct   : My mother has received many pieces of information about her daughter lately.

Incorrect: Give him some of piece of advice to solve this problem.
Correct   : Give him some of pieces of advice to solve this problem.

Incorrect: Please play me two or three pieceof music to Theo.
Correct   : Please play me two or three piecesof music to Theo.

Incorrect: Five earns of cornsare needed in that recipe.
Correct   : Five earns of corn are needed in that recipe.

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Joined: 6 years ago

thank you very much 🙂
