Siapa yang pernah curhat (talk about problems and difficulties) atau berbagi permasalahan hidup dengan kawan, sahabat, pacar, istri atau suami, ayah, ibu, dan lain-lain? Pasti semua orang pernah berbagi permasalah hidup itu pada orang lain yang dipercaya agar mendapatkan masukan atau solusi tentang permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi agar masalahnya mudah untuk diatasi dan beban hidup menjadi lebih ringan.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan memberikan contoh percakapan atau dialog bahasa Inggris tentang seseorang (Jane) yang curhat pada temannya (Samantha) tentang permasalahan atau pertengkaran antara dirinya dan adiknya. Bagaimana contoh percakapannya? Langsung saja ini dia:
Samantha: Hi, Jane. You look so sad. What’s going, girl?
Samantha: Hi, Jane. Kamu terlihat begitu sedih. Apa yang terjadi, teman?
Jane: I have a problem with my sister.
Jane: Aku punya masalah dengan adikku.
Samantha: Oh, that’s too bad. Do you want to talk about it with me?
Samantha: Oh, itu terlalu buruk. Apakah kamu ingin berbicara tentang hal itu denganku?
Jane: Do you wanna hear that?
Jane: Apakah kamu ingin dengar itu?
Samantha: Of course my dear. I’m your best friend, aren’t I?
Samantha: Tentu saja saya sayang. Aku teman terbaikmu, bukan?
Jane: Yes, you are my best friend, Sam.
Jane: Ya, kamu adalah teman terbaikku, Sam.
Samantha: So, what are we waiting for? Let’s talk.
Samantha: Jadi, apa yang kita tunggu? Mari kita bicara.
Jane: Okay. Here is the problem. My mom bought us the bags. She knows that I love the red and black colour. My sister loves yellow. Then my mom gave me that bag which is my favourite colour and she gave yellow for my sister. But, my sister took my bag when my mom out of my room. My sister grabbed it hard from my hand. Then I lost control, I slapped her and she cried. I know that was my fault. I’m not supposed to do that. I lost myself, Sam.
Jane: Oke. Ini masalahnya. Ibuku membelikan kami tas. Dia tahu bahwa aku suka warna merah dan hitam. Adikku suka warna kuning. Kemudian ibuku memberikan ku tas yang menjadi warna favoritku dan dia memberi warna kuning untuk adikku. Tapi, adikku mengambil tasku ketika ibuku keluar dari kamarku. Adikku merampas dari tanganku. Lalu aku kehilangan kendali, aku menamparnya dan dia menangis. Aku tahu itu salahku. Aku tidak seharusnya melakukan itu. Aku kehilangan diriku sendiri, Sam.
Samantha: Have you said sorry to her?
Samantha: Apakah Anda mengatakan maaf padanya?
Jane: Not yet. She’s angry with me.
Jane: Belum. Dia marah denganku.
Samantha: Oh dear, that’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that.
Samantha: Oh, itu terlalu buruk. Aku menyesal mendengarnya.
Jane: What am I supposed to do, Sam? I love her so much, Sam.
Jane: Apa yang harus aku lakukan, Sam? Aku sangat mencintainya, Sam.
Samantha: Yes, I know that you love her so much. But you made mistake, you broke her heart. Please, Jane. Don’t kill yourself like this. We can find the way out to bring her back to you.
Samantha: Ya, aku tahu bahwa kamu sangat mencintainya. Tapi kamu membuat kesalahan, kamu patahkan hatinya. Tolong, Jane. Jangan bunuh diri seperti ini. Kita dapat menemukan jalan keluar untuk membawanya kembali kepadamu.
Jane: But how, Sam? She hates me.
Jane: Tapi bagaimana, Sam? Dia membenci saya.
Samantha: Does your mother know this problem?
Samantha: Apakah ibumu tahu masalah ini?
Jane: What did you say?
Jane: Apa yang kau katakan?
Samantha: Does your mom know about this problem?
Samantha: Apakah ibumu tahu masalah ini?
Jane: I’m not sure. I guess that she doesn’t know about this.
Jane: Aku tidak yakin. Aku rasa dia tidak tahu tentang hal ini.
Samantha: You’re supposed to tell your mom about this problem. I believe that she will help you.
Samantha: Kamu seharusnya memberitahu ibumu tentang masalah ini. Aku percaya bahwa ia akan membantumu.
Jane: I’ll try. I’ll buy new bags for my sister but I don’t have enough money. May I borrow from you, Sam?
Jane: Aku akan mencoba. Aku akan membeli tas baru untuk adikku tapi aku tidak punya cukup uang. Dapatkah aku pinjam dari kamu, Sam?
Samantha: I don’t have any money, Jane. But don’t worry because we will get it.
Samantha: Aku tidak punya uang, Jane. Tapi jangan khawatir karena kita akan mendapatkannya.
Jane: How?
Jane: Bagaimana?
Samantha: Come with me to my aunt. She will solve this problem.
Samantha: Ikut denganku ke tempat bibiku. Dia akan memecahkan masalah ini.
Jane: Are you sure?
Jane: Apakah kamu yakin?
Samantha: 100%
Samantha: 100%
Jane: Thanks, Sam. You are my best friend.
Jane: Terima kasih, Sam. Kamu adalah teman terbaikku.
Pembahasan grammarnya
Simple Past Tense
- Jane: Okay. Here is the problem. My mom bought us the bags. She knows that I love the red and black colour. My sister loves yellow. Then my mom gave me that bag which is my favourite colour and she gave yellow for my sister. But, my sister took my bag when my mom out of my room. My sister grabbed it hard from my hand. Then I lost control, I slapped her and she cried. I know that was my fault. I’m not supposed to do that. I lost myself, Sam.
- Samantha: Yes, I know that you love her so much. But you made mistake, you broke her heart. Please, Jane. Don’t kill yourself like this. We can find the way out to bring her back to you.
- Jane: What did you say?
Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Past Tense.
Simple Present Tense
- Samantha: Hi, Jane. You look so sad. What’s going, girl?
- Jane: I have a problem with my sister.
- Samantha: Oh, that’s too bad. Do you want to talk about it with me?
- Jane: Do you wanna hear that?
- Samantha: Of course my dear. I’m your best friend, aren’t I?
- Jane: Yes, you are my best friend, Sam.
- Samantha: Oh dear, that’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that.
- Jane: What am I supposed to do, Sam? I love her so much, Sam.
- Samantha: Yes, I know that you love her so much. But you made mistake, you broke her heart. Please, Jane. Don’t kill yourself like this. We can find the way out to bring her back to you.
- Jane: But how, Sam? She hates me.
- Samantha: Does your mother know about this problem?
- Jane: I’m not sure. I guess that she doesn’t know about this.
Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense.
Present Continuous Tense
- Samantha: Hi, Jane. You look so sad. What’s going, girl?
- Samantha: So, what are we waiting for? Let’s talk.
Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Present Continuous Tense.
Present Perfect Tense
- Samantha: Have you said sorry to her?
Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Present Perfect Tense.
Simple Future Tense
- Samantha: You’re supposed to tell your mom about this problem. I believe that she will help you.
- Jane: I’ll try. I’ll buy new bags for my sister but I don’t have enough money. May I borrow from you, Sam?
- Samantha: I don’t have any money, Jane. But don’t worry because we will get it.
- Samantha: Come with me to my aunt. She will solve this problem.
Imperative Sentence
- Samantha: So, what are we waiting for? Let’s talk.
- Samantha: Yes, I know that you love her so much. But you made mistake, you broke her heart. Please, Jane. Don’t kill yourself like this. We can find the way out to bring her back to you.
- Samantha: I don’t have any money, Jane. But don’t worry because we will get it.
- Samantha: Come with me to my aunt. She will solve this problem.
Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Imperative Sentence.
- Jane: What am I supposed to do, Sam? I love her so much, Sam.
- Samantha: You’re supposed to tell your mom about this problem. I believe that she will help you.
Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Obligation.
Question Tags
- Samantha: Of course my dear. I’m your best friend, aren’t I?
Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Question Tags.
Expression of Sympathy
- Samantha: Oh, that’s too bad. Do you want to talk about it with me?
- Samantha: Oh dear, that’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that.
Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Expression of Sympathy.
Expression of Help
- Samantha: You’re supposed to tell your mom about this problem. I believe that she will help you.
- Jane: I’ll try. I’ll buy new bags for my sister but I don’t have enough money. May I borrow from you, Sam?
- Samantha: I don’t have any money, Jane. But don’t worry because we will get it.
Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Expression of Help.