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Oct 02, 2020 7:05 pm
Bagaimana contoh penggunaan to, into, onto dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris?
1. to
To mengandung arti ‘ke’, ‘menuju’, dan ‘kepada’. Preposisi ini biasanya menyatakan arah atau tujuan.
- She will fly to Moscow tomorrow.
- She went to the country last week.
- The injured people have been taken to the hospital.
- Fie returned to his hometown after he had graduated from UPI.
- The boy gives the flowers to the girl as a token of his love.
Kata home mengharuskan penghilangan to.
- go home (bukan go to home)
- come home (bukan come to home)
- get home (bukan get to home)
- Let’s go home. It’s getting dark.
- Welcome home!
- When we got home, we found the front door open.
To juga dipergunakan untuk mengawali kata kerja infinitive yang hadir setelah kata kerja lain.
- I want to go home.
- I’d like to order coffee, please.
To yang diawali been mengandung arti pernah ke.
- I have been to Darma twice, (saya penah ke Darma dua kali)
- Prabu has never been to a basketball match in his life. (Prabu tidak pernah ke pertandingan basket seumur hidupnya)
2. into vs onto
Into mengandung arti [menuju] ke dalam, sedangkan onto mengandung arti [menuju] ke atas.
- The guests go into the hall.
- The students came into the class.
- They walked onto the platform. (= podium)
- The President came onto the balcony. (= balkon)