Dec 10, 2021 10:49 am
Bagaimana cara membuat kalimat perbandingan dalam bentuk yang sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris? Kita bisa menggunakan positive verb dan negatif verb. Kita bisa membandingkan berbagai macam object, proses, fungsi, dan lain-lain.
Bagaimana contoh kalimatnya? Langsung saja simak contohnya berikut ini:
Menggunakan positive verb
- A is unlike / different from / different than / distinct from / dissimilar to B.
- A differs from B
- A is better / bigger / cheaper / easier to use / handier to carry than B.
- A is more advanced / expensive / efficient / innovative than B.
- B is less advanced / expensive / efficient / innovative than A.
- A has more features / functions / uses / advantages than B.
- B has fewer features / functions / uses / advantages than B.
- A has more capacity / power / storage space / value than B.
- B has less capacity / power / storage space / value than A.
- A costs / weighs / sells / is worth more than B.
- B costs / weighs / sells / is worth less than A.
- A smells better / runs faster / operates more efficiently than B.
- B smells worse / runs slower / operates less efficiently than A.
Menggunakan negative verb
- B is not as big / durable / useful / efficient as A.
- B doesn’t have as many features / functions / uses / advantages as A.
- B doesn’t have as much capacity / power / storage / value as A.
- B doesn’t cost / weigh / sell as much as A.
Kata kata yang dipisah dengan garis miring adalah kata-kata alternatif yang bisa Anda gunakan. Misalnya pada contoh pertama kita bisa menggunakan:
- A is different from B (A berbeda dengan B)
- A is distinct from B (A berbeda dari B)
- A is dissimilar to B (A tidak sama dengan B)
Semoga bermanfaat.