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Contoh explanation text tentang pulau Bali dan terjemahannya

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Bagaimana contoh explanation text tentang pulau Bali dan terjemahannya?

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Why is Bali Famous for Tourism Object?

One of the famous tourist spots in Indonesia is Bali island. Bali lays in the east part of Jawa. Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists visit Bali each month. Do you know why Bali island is so famous?

A lot of tourists like fresh natural environments. If that is what they want, then Bali is the best choice to visit. Bali has a beautiful landscape dominated with green luxurious terrace fields. Moreover, Bali gives a fantastic view; beautiful sunrise in Sanur and a fascinating sunset at Kuta beach.

Besides the beautiful beach and panorama, domestic and foreign tourists also enjoy Balinese local genius arts such as; dances, and temples. Most of these objects are amazing.

Like many other tourism objects, Bali also provides a souvenir center which they can take home. Most Balinese people are artists. They spend their time to apply skill and imagination through painting, carving, and dancing.

What makes them more exposed is that most of them are English speaking people. That is why Bali is well-known all over the world.


Mengapa Bali Terkenal dengan Obyek Wisata?

Salah satu tempat wisata terkenal di Indonesia adalah pulau Bali. Bali terletak di bagian timur Jawa. Ribuan wisatawan domestik dan asing mengunjungi Bali setiap bulan. Tahukah Anda mengapa pulau Bali begitu terkenal?

Banyak turis menyukai lingkungan alami yang segar. Jika itu yang mereka inginkan, maka Bali adalah pilihan terbaik untuk dikunjungi. Bali memiliki pemandangan indah yang didominasi oleh bidang teras hijau mewah. Apalagi Bali memberikan pemandangan yang fantastis; matahari terbit yang indah di Sanur dan matahari terbenam yang mempesona di pantai Kuta.

Selain pantai dan panorama yang indah, wisatawan domestik dan asing juga menikmati seni jenius lokal Bali seperti; tarian, dan kuil. Sebagian besar benda-benda ini luar biasa.

Seperti banyak objek wisata lainnya, Bali juga menyediakan pusat suvenir yang dapat mereka bawa pulang. Kebanyakan orang Bali adalah seniman. Mereka menghabiskan waktu mereka untuk menerapkan keterampilan dan imajinasi melalui melukis, mengukir, dan menari.

Apa yang membuat mereka lebih terbuka adalah bahwa kebanyakan dari mereka adalah orang-orang berbahasa Inggris. Itulah sebabnya Bali terkenal di seluruh dunia.

Dari contoh di atas dapat kita ketahui bahwa:

A general statement:

One of the famous tourist spots in Indonesia is Bali island. Bali lays in the east part of Jawa. Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists visit Bali each month. Do you know why Bali island is so famous?

A sequenced explanation:

A lot of tourists like fresh natural environments. If that is what they want, then Bali is the best choice to visit. Bali has a beautiful landscape dominated with green luxurious terrace fields. Moreover, Bali gives a fantastic view; beautiful sunrise in Sanur and a fascinating sunset at Kuta beach.

Besides the beautiful beach and panorama, domestic and foreign tourists also enjoy Balinese local genius arts such as; dances, and temples. Most of these objects are amazing.

Like many other tourism objects, Bali also provides a souvenir center which they can take home. Most Balinese people are artists. They spend their time to apply skill and imagination through painting, carving, and dancing.


What makes them more exposed is that most of them are English speaking people. That is why Bali is well-known all over the world.