Latihan soal TOEFL 2 (sentence-completion 1)

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Complete the following sentences with this words:
• carnivore • prey on • accelerate • camouflage • astounding • resolute • diurnal • species • attain • eschew
Use each of the words only once in the sentence.


1.Heshu got a perfect 120 on the TOEFL test. That's  !


2.Every hour all over the world, three  become extinct.


3.Soldiers wear  so they will not be seen on the battlefield.


4.Bats are nocturnal. They hunt at night. Deer are crepuscular. They are active at dawn and dusk. Cheetahs are  . They hunt during the day.


5.Lions  zebras.


6.When a plane takes off, it  to reach maximum take off speed.


7.Hernando is very  . When he makes up his mind, nothing can change it.


8.The opposite of  is herbivore.


9.Sachi studied hard and  her goal of becoming a surgeon.


10.Joan  peanuts because she is allergic to them.