Soal bahasa Inggris...

Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 5 tentang 'there is' dan 'there are' (exercise 1)

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Yola Destya
Posts: 90
Topic starter
Joined: 6 years ago

Fill in the blanks by using ">There is

or ">There are


  1. ______ a cat in my house.
  2. ______ an apple in the refrigerator.
  3. ______ three books in my bag
  4. ______ a monkey in the cage.
  5. ______ twenty students in the classroom.
  6. ______ many books on the table.
  7. ______ an eraser in my pencil box.
  8. ______ an elephant in the zoo.
  9. ______ two spoons on the plate.
  10. _____ ten flowers in the vase.

Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences!

  1. two - there - birds - are - in - cage - the.
  2. teacher - classroom - is - the - there - a - in.
  3. pencils - three - there - bag - the - are - in.
  4. cat - is - there - under - a - the - chair.
  5. picture - is - on - wall - the - there - a.

Complete the dialogues below!

  1. A : Is there a pen in your pencil box?
    B : Yes, ......
  2. A : Are there five cats under the table?
    B : No, ......
  3. A : Are there three students in the canteen?
    B : No, ......
  4. A : Is there a cupboard in your bedroom?
    B : No, .....
  5. A : Are there two chickens in the cage?
    B : Yes, .....

Translate into English!

  1. Tidak ada lima buku di dalam tas.
  2. Tidak ada seorang dokter di dalam rumah sakit.
  3. Ada seekor kuda di bawah pohon.
  4. Ada seorang murid di depan kelas.
  5. Tidak ada dua bunga di bawah kursi.
2 Replies
Yola Destya
Posts: 90
Topic starter
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 77
Joined: 6 years ago

thanks 😉 
