Latihan soal simple...

Latihan soal simple present and present progressive

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Directions: Use either the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs in perentheses.


Diane can't come to the phone because she (wash) is washing

her hair.

  1. Diane (wash) ... her hair every other day or so.
  2. Kathy (sit, usually) ... in the front row during class, but today she (sit) ... in the last row.
  3. Please be quiet. I (try) ... to concentrate.
  4. (you, lock, always) ... the door to your apartment when you leave?
  5. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn't answered my letter yet. I (wait, still) ... for a reply.
  6. After six days of rain, I'm glad that the sun (shine) ... again today.
  7. Every morning, the sun (shine) ... in my bedroom window and (wake) ... me up.
  8. A: Look! It (snow) ... B: It's beautiful! This is the first time I've ever seen snow. It (snow, not) ... in my country.
  9. A: Close your eyes. Now listen carefully. What (I, do) ... B: You (rub) ... the top of your desk with your hand. A: Close, but not exactly right. Try again. B: Aha! You (rub) ... your hands together. A: Right!
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