Feb 08, 2020 11:48 pm
Directions: Correct the errors.
- I am not agree with your opinion.
- I'm not knowing Sam's wife.
- A: What you are talking about? B: I talking about the political situation in my country.
- My roommate usually watch television, listen to music, or going out in the evening.
- When I turned the ignition key, the car was starting.
- This class is consisting of students who are wanting to learn English.
- The children drawed some pictures in school this morning.
- While Tom's reading in bed last night, his phone ring. When he was answering it, the caller hanged up.
- Right now Sally in the kitchen eating breakfast.
- When the sun raises, it is appearing from below the horizon.
2 Replies
Feb 09, 2020 2:40 pm