Latihan soal subjunctives 1

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1.“Dinda, Donny are you going to see the doctor today?”
“we wish we did not have to.”
2.Rina: “my parents wish they had a certificate of deposit”

Dea: “why?”

Rina: “the Intertest rate’s very high recently”

From the dialogue we can conclude that Rina’s parents .....

3.We know that they are having several problems. But they keep it to their sel. We wish they ..... to us about it now.
4.I wish somebody answered my call. The phone is been ringing for about Three minutes

The underlined sentence means .....

5.We wish ..... now to support her daughter.
6.If only ..... in the house, her husband would not angry.
7.If only it were not hot. The fact is .....
8.If only I ..... in Bali.
9.If only we knew the venue. The fact is .....
10.If only I ..... my homework.