Latihan soal simple present tense 1

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Pilihlah jawaban yang benar.

1.He usually ...... believe you.
2.Her brother ...... well.
3.What ...... they do on their day off?
4.Your children ...... on you.
5....... she engage new staff every spring?
6.The boys ...... home after school
7....... she cut her husband's hair?
8.Her brother ...... like to swim.
9.Which of the following statement is corrects?

"Yes, sometimes I do."

10.I sometimes come late to chool but this day I ...... early.
11.Most students in SMA 6, one of the well-known school in Surabaya, ...... English fluently.
12.The number of residents show have been questioned on the matter ...... quite small.
13.My mother is one of English teachers in this school. She ...... here every day.
14.My sister lives in village but she ...... in city.
15.I had five books on my table two days ago but now ...... only two on it.