Latihan soal simple past tense 22

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1.Where ____ you yesterday? I needed your help.
2.What ____ Bill ____ last Thursday in the garage?
3.When ____ the last baseball match be held?
4.How many times ____ your uncle visit Bali?
5.What ____ the most spectacular part of the circus last week?
6.Change into simple past tense.
Danny fixes his bed.
7.Change into simple past tense.
The guests are in the lobby.
8.Change into English.
Kenapa kamu mengadu kepada ibu Lisa kemarin?
9.Change into English.
Aku tidak pergi kemanapun, aku di sini sejak kamu pergi.
10.Change into English.
Aku telah membaca sebuah novel dan aku lelah saat kamu menelpon kemarin malam.
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Kunci jawaban:

  1. Where were you yesterday? I needed your help. (A)

  2. What did Bill do last Thursday in the garage? (A)

  3. When was the last baseball match held? (A)

  4. How many times did your uncle visit Bali? (C)

  5. What was the most spectacular part of the circus last week? (A)

  6. Change into simple past tense. Danny fixes his bed.

    • Danny fixed his bed. (C)
  7. Change into simple past tense. The guests are in the lobby.

    • The guests were in the lobby. (D)
  8. Change into English. Kenapa kamu mengadu kepada ibu Lisa kemarin?

    • Why did you snitch to Mrs. Lisa yesterday? (A)
  9. Change into English. Aku tidak pergi kemanapun, aku di sini sejak kamu pergi.

    • I didn't go anywhere, I was here since you left. (B)
  10. Change into English. Aku telah membaca sebuah novel dan aku lelah saat kamu menelpon kemarin malam.

    • I read a novel and I was tired when you called last night. (C)