Tom is not too exci...

Tom is not too excited with school today. He's too tired because he ........

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Tom is not too excited with school today. He's too tired because he ........

A. did waych television all night long

B. all nightlong watched television

C. watched television all night long

D. would watch television all long night

E. do long watched television all night

1 Answer

Tom is not too excited with school today. He’s too tired because he ……..

A. did waych television all night long

B. all nightlong watched television

C. watched television all night long

D. would watch television all long night

E. do long watched television all night

C. watched television all night long

Karena dalam bahasa Inggris urutan kalimatnya adalah Subject - Verb - Object.

Subject: he

Verb: watched

Object: television

Yang menjadi keterangan waktunya adalah "all night long"

Jadi jawabannya:

C. watched television all night long