None of the animals...

None of the animals at zoo are allowed to roam outside the cage. Every single one of them is put in an enclosure.

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None of the animals at zoo are allowed to roam outside the cage. Every single one of them is put in an enclosure.

Temukan kata yang salah..

1 Answer

kata expressions of quantity di atas "None of......" harus selalu dianggap tunggal, apapun kata benda yang mengikutinya. Jadi kata "None of......." itu harus diikuti juga dengan kata kerja tunggal. Jadi penggunaan kata "are" pada "are allowed" salah, seharusnya "is" menajdi "is allowed". Sehingga kalimat lengkapnya menjadi:

"None of the animals at zoo is allowed to roam outside the cage. Every single one of them is put in an enclosure."