Latihan soal pronou...

Latihan soal pronouns 43

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Isi tempat yang kosong dengan salah satu jawaban yang terdapat pada tanda kurung.


1.Trish and ___ (I / me) have decided to move to Brazil.


2.The new employees are ___  (they / them).


3.The problem is unquestionably ___  (she / her).


4.Human beings, ___  (who / whom) are the most fascinating species on earth, are also the most admirable.


5.Those ___  (whom, who) are early to bed and early to rise are healthy, wealthy, and very tired.


6.The best dressed employee has always been ___  (him / he).


7.The winning contestants are the Griffels and ___  (they/ them).


8.The concept ___  (which / that) intrigued ___  (we / us) had not yet been publicized.


9.My car, ___  (who / which) was brand new, had relatively little damage.


10.The car ___  (which / that) hit me was speeding.


11.From ___  (who / whom) did you buy that beautiful purse?


12.The thunderstorm frightened my cat and ___  (I / me).


13.Please sit next to Rita and ___  (me / I).


14.Brenda gave ___  (he / him) a lot of unsolicited advice.


15.With ___  (who / whom) have you agreed to carpool?

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Kunci jawaban:

  1. Trish and I have decided to move to Brazil.
  2. The new employees are them.
  3. The problem is unquestionably hers.
  4. Human beings, who are the most fascinating species on earth, are also the most admirable.
  5. Those who are early to bed and early to rise are healthy, wealthy, and very tired.
  6. The best-dressed employee has always been he.
  7. The winning contestants are the Griffels and they.
  8. The concept that intrigued us had not yet been publicized.
  9. My car, which was brand new, had relatively little damage.
  10. The car that hit me was speeding.
  11. From whom did you buy that beautiful purse?
  12. The thunderstorm frightened my cat and me.
  13. Please sit next to Rita and me.
  14. Brenda gave him a lot of unsolicited advice.
  15. With whom have you agreed to carpool?

