Latihan soal pronou...

Latihan soal pronouns 36

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1.Then she saw ____ father. He had laid ____ fishing rod and was taking something from ____ pocket.
2.- "Please, stay a little while"
- "Of course, mum, ____ was going to suggest ____ ____ .
3.I wanted to ask ____ both what you thought of my latest films if ____ saw them.
4.I was late. I found ____ in the house.
5.This book is ____, there is ____ name on ____ .
6.John left the house without saying ____ to ____ .
7.We asked her to tell us ____ interesting, but she refused to tell us ____ .
8.MOTHER will send MARY to buy THE TICKETS.
9.- Isn't that ____ friend over there?
- Oh! No, she isn't ____ friend, she is ____ .
10."I'm going out with my friend", she said.
She said that ____ was going out with ____ friend.
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