Latihan soal pronou...

Latihan soal pronouns 23

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1.Every ill cat may not be able to nurse ____ kittens.
2.He and other patients didn't have to change ____ food intake before the laboratory test.
3.Nobody came to the ceremony without money in ____ hand.
4.Someone's been parking a car in front of my house for two days. Should I put a note on ____ car?
5.A table in the restaurant has been reserved for you and ____
6.The Italian boy has two bicycles. One is a touring bicycle, and ____ is a BMX.
7.Some of the students had their friends take ____ final examination results.
8.____ techniques are mathematical, nevertheless ____ subject is physical.
9.Neither Lesti nor her classmates submitted ____ fellowship application this morning.
10.The economist ____ you want to interview is sitting next to our manager.
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