Latihan soal present tense 10

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1.We ____ already twenty words.
2."I can't marry Mr. Fire. I ____ already ____ my word to another man", said the chief's daughter.
3.Be quick! A dog ____ after your child.
4.I ____ never ____ to the USA.
5.Oh, not really, I ____ a minute since I came in.
6.Take away the crib, the teacher ____ at you.
7.I ____ them for 10 months.
8.Why ____ you ____ the coat? It's not cold.
9.Don't enter the classroom. The students ____ an exam.
10.Look! They ____ in our direction.
11.I ____ Paul since Christmas.
12."Fortune" ____ the magazine of business success for over 50 years.
13.She ____ false impressions on those who ____ you.
14.Food prices ____ rapidly in the past few months.