Latihan soal present perfect tense 6

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Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form negative sentences in Present Perfect.


He ____ to music. (not/to listen)


He has not listened to music.


1.Our class ____ the test yet. (not/to write)


2.Tim and Joe ____ the boxes into the house yet. (not/to carry)


3.It ____ to snow. (not/to start)


4.The cat ____ onto the table yet. (not/to jump)


5.I ____ the castle. (not/to visit)


6.We ____ out of the room all day. (not/to go)


7.Fred ____ the money back so far. (not/to give)


8.They ____ Anne about it. (not/to tell)


9.Steven ____ through the park. (not/to walk)


10.The teacher ____ to the party today. (not/to come)

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Kunci jawaban:

  1. Our class has not written the test yet.

  2. Tim and Joe have not carried the boxes into the house yet.

  3. It has not started to snow.

  4. The cat has not jumped onto the table yet.

  5. I have not visited the castle.

  6. We have not gone out of the room all day.

  7. Fred has not given the money back so far.

  8. They have not told Anne about it.

  9. Steven has not walked through the park.

  10. The teacher has not come to the party today.
