Latihan soal present perfect tense 14

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Fill in the correct form of the Present Perfect tense!


We ____ cards for the last few hours. (play)


have been playing


1. ___ your problems? (your parents, always, understand)


2.The patient ___ penicillin for several days now. (take)


3.A big earthquake ___ San Francisco since 1906. (not hit)


4.They ___ in San Francisco since they arrived in the USA 20 years ago. (live)


5.He got ill five weeks ago and ___ yet. (not recover)


6.Everyone in the Middle East ___ about the situation for decades. (worry)


7.We ___ very cold weather this year. (have)


8.Where ___ the money? (you, hide)


9.At last, my favorite team ___ against its most important rival. (win)


10.I ___ for 6 years. (marry)

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Kunci jawaban:

  1. Have your parents always understood your problems?

  2. The patient has been taking penicillin for several days now.

  3. A big earthquake has not hit San Francisco since 1906.

  4. They have lived in San Francisco since they arrived in the USA 20 years ago.

  5. He got ill five weeks ago and has not recovered yet.

  6. Everyone in the Middle East has been worrying about the situation for decades.

  7. We have had very cold weather this year.

  8. Where have you hidden the money?

  9. At last, my favorite team has won against its most important rival.

  10. I have been married for 6 years.
