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Rumus dan contoh kalimat future perfect tense positif, negatif, tanya

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Apakah sahabat masih ingat dengan bentuk keterangan waktu future perfect tense? Kalau lupa mari kita ingat bersama dan kita buat kalimatnya dalam bentuk positif, negatif, dan tanya.

Pengertian future perfect tense

Kalimat berpola future perfect tense bisa diartikan sebagai kalimat untuk menyatakan prediksi atau perkiraan. Future perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan/mengekspresikan sebuah kegiatan atau aktivitas yang pada dasarnya dapat dilakukan, namun aktivitas tersebut tidak berhasil dilakukan pada masa lalu (past).


  • They will have arrived in Bali by the time the end of this year (artinya mereka akan sudah sampai Bali pada akhir tahun ini)
  • I will have gone to go home before they call me (aku akan sudha pulang ke rumah sebelum mereka menelponku)

Perlu diingat bahwa "will have" diikuti oleh participle (V-3) dengan keterangan waktu (adverb) masa datang (future) digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang akan datang atau kejadian yang akan datang. Keterangan waktu yang digunakan sama halnya dengan bentuk future tense lainnya hanya saja lebih khusus yakni ada kata by the time, before, kemudian bisa diikuti tomorrow, next day, tonight, this year, next year, next month, next week, dan sebagainya.

Perhatikan rumus atau pola kalimat future perfect tense di bawah ini beserta contoh kalimatnya:

Kalimat positif

S + will + have + participle (V-3)+ adverb (future)


  • They will have met friends by the time this semester
  • I will have met friends by the time this semester
  • He will have met friends by the time this semester
  • someone will have met friends by the time this semester
  • Mina will have met friends by the time this semester

Perhatikan: jangan pakai ‘will’ saja kecuali dengan ‘will have’

Kalimat negatif

S + will + not + have + participle (V-3) + adverb (future)


  • They will not have met friends by the time this semester
  • I will not have met friends by the time this semester
  • He will not have met friends by the time this semester
  • Someone will not have met friends by the time this semester
  • Mina will not have met friends by the time this semester

Kalimat tanya

Will + S + have + participle (V-3) + adverb (future)


  • Will they have met friends by the time this semester?
  • Will I have met friends by the time this semester?
  • Will he have met friends by the time this semester?
  • Will someone have met friends by the time this semester?
  • Will Mina have met friends by the time this semester?

Contoh kalimat menggunakan future perfect tense

Dengan rumus di atas kita bisa membuat kalimat future perfect tense lainnya:

Kalimat positif:

  • Mione will have left her house before you come 
  • They will have known everything about her within five minutes
  • My head will have spun around
  • Rena will have told me by the time you leave this room
  • Maira will have eaten much sugar by 9 o’clock
  • She will have come home alone before she meet him
  • They will have gathered for the show
  • My Lil lady will have grown so fast
  • I will have fallen in love with you by the time ending this year
  • It will have escaped by end this year

Kalimat negatif:

  • Mione will not have left her house before you come 
  • They will not have known everything about her within five minutes
  • My head will not have spun around
  • Rena will not have told me by the time you leave this room
  • Maira will not have eaten much sugar by 9 o’clock
  • She will not have come home alone before she meet him
  • They will not have gathered for the show
  • My Lil lady will not have grown so fast
  • I will not have fallen in love with you by the time ending this year
  • It will not have escaped by end this year

Kalimat tanya:

  • Will Mione have left her house before you come? 
  • Will They have known everything about her within five minutes?
  • Will My head have spun around?
  • Will Rena have told me by the time you leave this room?
  • Will Maira have eaten much sugar by 9 o’clock?
  • Will She have come home alone before she meet him?
  • Will They have gathered for the show?
  • Will My Lil lady have grown so fast?
  • Will I have fallen in love with you by the time ending this year?
  • Will It have escaped by end this year?