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Bagaimana contoh kalimat elliptical construction gabungan setara kesamaan pada kalimat positif dan negatif?
Elliptical construction adalah bentuk kalimat majemuk gabungan setara, terjadinya penghilangan bagian predikat yang sama dari suatu kalimat.
Gabungan Setara Kesamaan
Gabungan setara kesamaan menggunakan kata hubung ‘and’. Gabungan setara kesamaan dibagi dua yaitu positif dan negatif.
1. Positif
‘Too’ dan ‘so’ digunakan untuk menggabungkan kalimat positif. Untuk mudahya kita golongkan kalimat menjadi dua:
- Ber-auxiliary
- Tidak ber-auxiliary
Kalimat yang mengandung auxiliary lazimnya muncul dalam semua pola kalimat selain bentuk simple present tense (yang menggunakan verb-1) dan selain simple past tense (yang menggunakan verb-2).
Subject 1 + auxiliary + (Verb) + and + Subjects + auxiliary + too
Subject 1 + auxiliary + (Verb) + and + so + auxiliary + subject 2
- My mother will be interested in reading this novel and mv father will too.
- My mother will be interested in reading this novel and so will my father.
- Fini is pretty and Karina is too.
- Fini is pretty and and so can you.
- I can go and beat them and you can too.
- I can go and beat them and so can you.
Tidak ber-auxiliary
Kalimat yang tidak mengandung auxiliary lazimnya terealisir dalam pola kalimat bentuk simple present tense (yang menggunakan verb-1) dan simple past tense (yang menggunakan verb-2).
Subject 1 + Verb I + and + subject 2 + do/does + too s atau
Subject 1 + Verb I + and + so + do/does + subject 2
Subject 1 + Verb 2 + and + subject 2 + did + too atau
Subject 1 + Verb 2 + and + so + did + subject 2
- Your sister likes seafood and I do too.
- Your sister likes seafood and so do I.
- The students often come late and the teacher does too.
- The students often come late and so does the teacher.
- I went abroad last year and Ratu did too.
- I went abroad last year and so did Ratu.
2. Negative
‘Either’ dan ‘neither’ digunakan untuk mengabungkan kalimat negative.
Subject + auxiliary not (Verb) + and + subject 2 + auxiliary not + either
Subject + auxiliary not (Verb) + and + neither + auxiliary + subject 2
Neither = not either, oleh karena itu setelah auxiliary tidak disertai ‘not’ lagi.
- The teacher couldn ’t come on time and I couldn ’t either.
- The teacher couldn ’t come on time and neither could I.
- Yanti didn 't like the movie and Tati didn 't either.
- Yanti didn 't like the movie and neither did Tati.
- Anis’ mother can ’t speak English and my mother can ’t either.
- Anis’ mother can ’t speak English and neither can my mother.