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gendis artasukma
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Apa pengertian report text, dan bagaimana struktur, unsur kebahasaan, dan contohnya?

Pada kesempatan yang lalu saya sudah menulis mengenai procedure text, kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai report text.

Apa itu report text?

Report text adalah jenis teks yang berisi informasi apa adanya tentang suatu subjek sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Hal yang dideskripsikan bisa berupa gejala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau gejala-gejala sosial. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, jenis teks ini dapat dijumpai dalam buku teks, materi kuliah, penelitian, dan artikel-artikel referensi. Tujuan komunikatif dari teks ini adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu secara apa adanya sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis.

Struktur report text sebagai berikut:

  • General classification: bagian yang menjelaskan tentang subjek yang dilaporkan dan klasifikasinya.
  • Description: bagian yang menguraikan deskripsi atau gambaran tentang hal yang dibicarakan, seperti bagian-bagian, sifat-sifat, kebiasaan (untuk makhluk hidup), serta kegunaan (untuk benda mati).

Unsur kebahasaan report text sebagai berikut:

  1. Menggunakan general nouns.
  2. Menggunakan relating verbs untuk menjelaskan ciri-ciri.
  3. Menggunakan action verbs dalam menjelaskan perilaku.
  4. Menggunakan present tense untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang umum.
  5. Menggunaka istilah teknis (technical language).
  6. Menggunakan paragraf dengan topic sentence untuk menyusun sejumlah informasi.

Berikut ini contoh report text mengenai sejarah, seni budaya, dan pariwisata Indonesia:

Indonesian Traditional Foods

Your travel to Indonesia would not be complete without having its traditional foods. Below are come of those foods you should not miss them when you come to that country, Indonesia consists of many islands and many provinces. there are five bigs islands and more than thirty provinces altogether, and each province has its own unique traditional foods.

Jakarta, the capital city of the country, or as its original people called as Betawi, has Keras Telor as its traditional food. This food cannot be easy to find nowadays as Jakarta people like to flock to fast-food restaurants and other modern foods that are scattered throughout the city. Kerak Telor would be easy to find in June and July when Jakarta celebrates its anniversary. The celebration usually takes place at Kemayoran, and there will be many people selling Kerak Telor there.

Bogor is a small town near Jakarta. Its unique traditional food is Asinan Bogor. On the contrary with Kerak Telor, you can almost find this food anytime you want. Just come to this town, ask people wherever they are, they will guide you to any place selling Asinan Bogor. Empek-empek is another Indonesian traditional food from Palembang. This province is located in Sumatra island. This food is so popular that you do not have to go across that island to try this one. There are many Palembang people in Jakarta or other towns selling this food.

Bandung, the capital city of West Java, has many unique traditional foods. Lalapan is one of them. Lalapan is fresh vegetables accompanied by sambal or you may also say spicy sauce. Many believe that Bandung people, usually called Sundanese, would struggle to live in a vegetarian garden because of this lalapan.

Other famous Bandung traditional foods are Nasi Timbel, Combro, Batagor, Peuyeum, etc. Nasi Timbel is rice wrapped in banana leaves, usually served with fried chicken, lalapan, and sambal or spicy sauce. Peuyeum, which is soft and tastes sweet, made of fermented sago. Batagor, also called as Baso Tahu Goreng, is fried meatball and tofu with peanut sausage.

Gudeg is another traditional food that comes from Yogyakarta. Gudeg is made of young jackfruit which is cooked in Javanese traditional way. Like other Javanese foods, Gudeg is rather a sweety than salty. Other ingredients accompanying the young jackfruit are egg, tofu, and tempe. People usually eat Gudeg together with warm rice and spicy krecek. If you have a chance to come to Yogyakarta, do not miss trying this food as Yogyakarta is also known as Kota Gudeg, which means The City of Gudeg.

Nasi Rawon, is a traditional food from East Java. Nasi Rawon is rice served with dark beef soup. The dark color of the soup comes from seeds of kluwek nuts. Rendang or spicy beef comes from Padang, West Sumatra. Padang is famous for its spicy foods, and many of its foods use coconut milk as an ingredient.

Another Indonesian traditional food is Otak-otak. This food made from steamed fish wrapped in banana leaves. You can find the great taste of Otak-otak in Kota Serang. Beside Otak-otak, Kota Serang is also famous for Ikan Bandeng. Be sure to have them when visiting Kota Serang.


Makanan Tradisional Indonesia

Perjalanan Anda ke Indonesia tidak akan lengkap tanpa memiliki makanan tradisionalnya. Di bawah ini adalah makanan yang tidak boleh Anda lewatkan saat datang ke negara itu, Indonesia terdiri dari banyak pulau dan banyak provinsi. ada lima pulau besar dan lebih dari tiga puluh provinsi sekaligus, dan setiap provinsi memiliki makanan tradisionalnya yang unik.

Jakarta, ibu kota negara, atau sebagai orang aslinya disebut Betawi, memiliki Keras Telor sebagai makanan tradisionalnya. Makanan ini tidak mudah ditemukan saat ini karena orang Jakarta suka berbondong-bondong ke restoran cepat saji dan makanan modern lainnya yang tersebar di seluruh kota. Kerak Telor akan mudah ditemukan pada bulan Juni dan Juli ketika Jakarta merayakan hari jadinya. Perayaan biasanya berlangsung di Kemayoran, dan akan ada banyak orang yang menjual Kerak Telor di sana.

Bogor adalah kota kecil dekat Jakarta. Makanan tradisionalnya yang unik adalah Asinan Bogor. Sebaliknya dengan Kerak Telor, Anda hampir dapat menemukan makanan ini kapan saja Anda inginkan. Datang saja ke kota ini, tanyakan orang di mana pun mereka berada, mereka akan memandu Anda ke tempat mana pun yang menjual Asinan Bogor. Empek-empek adalah makanan tradisional Indonesia lainnya dari Palembang. Provinsi ini terletak di pulau Sumatra. Makanan ini sangat populer sehingga Anda tidak perlu pergi melintasi pulau itu untuk mencoba yang ini. Ada banyak orang Palembang di Jakarta atau kota-kota lain yang menjual makanan ini.

Bandung, ibu kota Jawa Barat, memiliki banyak makanan tradisional yang unik. Lalapan adalah salah satunya. Lalapan adalah sayuran segar disertai sambal atau Anda juga bisa mengatakan saus pedas. Banyak yang percaya bahwa orang Bandung, biasanya disebut orang Sunda, akan berjuang untuk hidup di kebun vegetarian karena lalapan ini.

Makanan tradisional Bandung terkenal lainnya adalah Nasi Timbel, Combro, Batagor, Peuyeum, dll. Nasi Timbel adalah nasi yang dibungkus dengan daun pisang, biasanya disajikan dengan ayam goreng, lalapan, dan sambal atau saus pedas. Peuyeum, yang lembut dan rasanya manis, terbuat dari sagu yang difermentasi. Batagor, juga disebut Baso Tahu Goreng, adalah bakso goreng dan tahu dengan sosis kacang.

Gudeg adalah makanan tradisional lain yang berasal dari Yogyakarta. Gudeg terbuat dari nangka muda yang dimasak dengan cara tradisional Jawa. Seperti makanan Jawa lainnya, Gudeg agak manis daripada asin. Bahan lain yang menyertai nangka muda adalah telur, tahu, dan tempe. Orang biasanya makan Gudeg bersama dengan nasi hangat dan krecek pedas. Jika Anda berkesempatan datang ke Yogyakarta, jangan lewatkan mencoba makanan ini karena Yogyakarta juga dikenal sebagai Kota Gudeg, yang berarti Kota Gudeg.

Nasi Rawon, adalah makanan tradisional dari Jawa Timur. Nasi Rawon adalah nasi yang disajikan dengan sup daging sapi gelap. Warna gelap sup berasal dari biji kacang kluwek. Rendang atau daging sapi pedas berasal dari Padang, Sumatera Barat. Padang terkenal dengan makanan pedasnya, dan banyak dari makanannya menggunakan santan sebagai bahan makanan.

Makanan tradisional Indonesia lainnya adalah Otak-otak. Makanan ini terbuat dari ikan kukus yang dibungkus daun pisang. Anda dapat menemukan cita rasa Otak-otak di Kota Serang. Selain Otak-otak, Kota Serang juga terkenal dengan Ikan Bandeng. Pastikan untuk memilikinya saat mengunjungi Kota Serang.

Dari contoh teks di atas maka dapat kita ketahui bahwa:

General classification

Your travel to Indonesia would not be complete without having its traditional foods. Below are come of those foods you should not miss them when you come to that country, Indonesia consists of many islands and many provinces. there are five bigs islands and more than thirty provinces altogether, and each province has its own unique traditional foods.


Jakarta, the capital city of the country, or as its original people called as Betawi, has Keras Telor as its traditional food. This food cannot be easy to find nowadays as Jakarta people like to flock to fast-food restaurants and other modern foods that are scattered throughout the city. Kerak Telor would be easy to find in June and July when Jakarta celebrates its anniversary. The celebration usually takes place at Kemayoran, and there will be many people selling Kerak Telor there.

Bogor is a small town near Jakarta. Its unique traditional food is Asinan Bogor. On the contrary with Kerak Telor, you can almost find this food anytime you want. Just come to this town, ask people wherever they are, they will guide you to any place selling Asinan Bogor. Empek-empek is another Indonesian traditional food from Palembang. This province is located in Sumatra island. This food is so popular that you do not have to go across that island to try this one. There are many Palembang people in Jakarta or other towns selling this food.

Bandung, the capital city of West Java, has many unique traditional foods. Lalapan is one of them. Lalapan is fresh vegetables accompanied by sambal or you may also say spicy sauce. Many believe that Bandung people, usually called Sundanese, would struggle to live in a vegetarian garden because of this lalapan.

Other famous Bandung traditional foods are Nasi Timbel, Combro, Batagor, Peuyeum, etc. Nasi Timbel is rice wrapped in banana leaves, usually served with fried chicken, lalapan, and sambal or spicy sauce. Peuyeum, which is soft and tastes sweet, made of fermented sago. Batagor, also called as Baso Tahu Goreng, is fried meatball and tofu with peanut sausage.

Gudeg is another traditional food that comes from Yogyakarta. Gudeg is made of young jackfruit which is cooked in Javanese traditional way. Like other Javanese foods, Gudeg is rather a sweety than salty. Other ingredients accompanying the young jackfruit are egg, tofu, and tempe. People usually eat Gudeg together with warm rice and spicy krecek. If you have a chance to come to Yogyakarta, do not miss trying this food as Yogyakarta is also known as Kota Gudeg, which means The City of Gudeg.

Nasi Rawon, is a traditional food from East Java. Nasi Rawon is rice served with dark beef soup. The dark color of the soup comes from seeds of kluwek nuts. Rendang or spicy beef comes from Padang, West Sumatra. Padang is famous for its spicy foods, and many of its foods use coconut milk as an ingredient.

Another Indonesian traditional food is Otak-otak. This food made from steamed fish wrapped in banana leaves. You can find the great taste of Otak-otak in Kota Serang. Beside Otak-otak, Kota Serang is also famous for Ikan Bandeng. Be sure to have them when visiting Kota Serang.