Apa pengertian kalimat indirect question bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana rumus serta contohnya?
Pengertian indirect question
Indirect question adalah bentuk pernyataan yang mengungkapkan pertanyaan orang lain (reported speech) yang telah dikatakan secara langsung (direct speech) dengan mengubah format pembicaraan tersebut sehingga menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya.
Karena merupakan reported speech, indirect question tidak menggunakan question mark (tanda tanya) di akhir kalimatnya.
Rumus atau pola kalimat indirect question
Berbeda dengan direct question yang subject dan verb-nya bertukar posisi, subject pada indirect question diletakkan sebelum verb. Adapun rumus indirect question pada yes/no question (pertanyaan yang meminta jawaban ya/tidak) dan wh-question (pertanyaan akan informasi) adalah sebagai berikut.
Yes/No Question
Introductory Clause + if/whether + S + V*
Wh- Question
Introductory Clause + Wh-word** + S + V*
- *Verb tense pada indirect question disesuaikan dengan versi direct question-nya. Lihat: Aturan Perubahan Verb Tense dan Modal.
- **Wh-word terdiri dari: what, who, where, why, when, how, which, dan turunannya.
Contoh kalimat indirect question
Yes-No Question
direct question
- The teacher asked, “Have you finished your homework?” (Sudahkan kamu menyelesaikan PR-mu?)
indirect question
- The teacher asked the students if they had finished their homework.
- direct question: have finished (present perfect tense)
- indirect question: had finished (past perfect tense)
direct question
- "Did you see my wallet?" asked Gery. (Kamu melihat dompetku?)
indirect question
- Gery wanted to know if I’d seen his wallet.
direct question
- Lia asked, “Are you happy now?” (Kamu bahagia sekarang?)
indirect question
- Lia asked (me) whether I was happy at that time.
- direct question: now
- indirect question: at that time
Wh- Question
direct question
- Yogi asked, “Who is that girl?" (Siapa gadis itu?)
indirect question
- Yogi asked (me) who that girl was.
direct question
- Tita asked, “Where does the old man live?” (Dimana lelaki tua itu tinggal?)
indirect question
- Tita asked (me) where the old man lived.
direct question
- Her brother wondered, “Why do you think the book very is interesting?” (Mengapa kamu berpikir buku itu sangat menarik?)
indirect question
- Her brother wondered why she thought the book was interesting.
Thank you very much, sangat detil penjelasannya ???