Pengertian elliptic...

Pengertian elliptical sentence, cara pembentukan, susunan, dan contoh kalimatnya

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Apa pengertian elliptical sentence dan bagaimana cara pembentukan, susunan, serta contoh kalimatnya?

Pengertian elliptical sentence

Kalimat elip (elliptical sentence) adalah kalimat yang merupakan pemendekkan dari dua kalimat atau lebih dengan cara menghilangkan beberapa bagian kalimat yang memiliki kesamaan arti asalnya. Kalimat elip digunakan untuk menghindari adanya pengulangan kata yang sama dalam satu kalimat.

Cara membentuk kalimat elip

Kalimat elip dapat dibentuk dengan cara, antara lain dengan menggunakan:

and…too; and so…(dan….juga; dan demikian juga …)

"and …too; and so…" digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat positif yang memiliki kesamaan. Adapun cara membuat bentuk elip dengan memakai to be auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu).

Contoh kalimat:

  • Tony is playing football. Rudy is playing football.
    • Tony is playing football and Rudy is too.
    • Tony is playing football and so is Rudy.
  • He can speak English well. She can speak English well.
    • He can speak English well and she can too.
    • He can speak English well and so can she.
  • They work very hard. She work very hard.
    • He work very hard and she does too.
    • He work very hard and so does she.
  • he passed the final examination. She passed the final examination.
    • He passed the final examination and she did too.
    • He passed the final examination and so did she.
  • He has finished the work. I have finished the work.
    • He has finished the work and I have too.
    • He has finished the work and so have I.
  • He has many books. I have many books.
    • He has many books and I do too.
    • He has many books and so do I.
  • She had bought a dictionary. He had bought a dictionary.
    • She had bought a dictionary and he had too.
    • She had bought a dictionary and so had he.
  • She had a new bag. He had new bag.
    • She had a new bag and he did too.
    • She had a new bag and so did he.
  • She has to study regularly. We have to study regularly.
    • She has to study regulrly and we do too.
    • She has to study regularly and so do we.

and neither….; and…either (juga)

"and neither ….; and …..either" juga digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat negatif.

Contoh kalimat:

  • He isn’t studying English. She isn’t studying English.
    • He isn’t studying English and neither is she.
    • He isn’t studying English and she isn’t either.
  • He didn’t do the exercise. She didn’t do the exercise .
    • He didn’t do the exercise and neither did she.
    • He didn’t do the exercise and she didn’t either.

But (tetapi)

"But" digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang bertentangan.

Contoh kalimat:

  • He isn’t studying English. She is studying English.
    • He isn’t studying English but she is.

Both….and (keduanya)

Contoh kalimat:

  • He painted the door. He painted the window.
    • He painted both the door and the window.
  • Heni is in the thrid year. Sita is in the thrid year.
    • Both Heni and Sita are in the thrid year.

Either …or..(baik ..ataupun…./salah satu)

Contoh kalimat:

  • Rini forgot where she put her new dictionary.
    • Isn’t either in living room or in the bedroom.

Neither ….nor…(baik…maupun…tidak)

Contoh kalimat:

  • He isn’t a teacher. He isn’t a doctor.
    • He is neither a teacher nor a doctor.
  • He doesn’t say rude things. They don’t say the rude things.
    • Neither he nor they say the rude things.
    • Neither they nor he says the rude things.

And (dan)

Contoh kalimat:

  • I will write a letter. I will write a short story.
    • I will write a letter and short story.

Or (atau)

Contoh kalimat:

  • Does he buy a black and white or does he buy colour film?
    • Does he buy a black and white or colour film?
  • You can go by bus. You can go by taxi.
    • You can go by bus or taxi.

Whether…or not (baik…atau tidak)

Contoh kalimat:

  • I will give you the money although you need it or you don’t need it.
    • I will give you the money whether you need it or not.

Susunan elliptic dalam klausa

Susunan Elliptic biasanya digunakan dalam dependent dan independent clause bila kedua subjeknya sama.

Contoh kalimat:

  • Mary was poor but she was honest.
    • Mary was poor but honest.
  • Although she was given everything, she was never satisfied.
    • Although given everything, she was never satisfied.
  • However he is busy, he always comes on time.
    • However busy, he always comes on time.
  • If you are sleepy, you may go to sleep.
    • If sleepy, you may go to sleep.
  • While she was cooking,she listened to the radio.
    • While cooking, she listened to the radio.
  • I saw him when she was crossing the road.
    • I saw him crossing the road.
  • Nani washed the dresses and she hang them.
    • Nani washed and hang the dresses.
  • When you stop a car, you always use a hand signal.
    • When stopping a car, you always use a hand signal.
  • Before I eat, I always say a short prayer.
    • Before eating the meal, I always say a short prayer