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Apa Pengertian Auxiliary Verb dan Bagaimana Rumus Serta Contoh Kalimatnya?
Auxiliary verb adalah kata kerja tambahan yang digunakan bersamaan dengan main verb untuk menambahkan arti. Be, have, do, dan semua modal (can, chall, may, dst) merupakan auxiliary verb. Berikut ini adalah rumus auxiliary verb dan penerapannya dalam kalimat aktif:
1. BE + -ing
The farmers are cultivating a new plant variety to gain their harvest.
2. HAVE + participle
The farmers have cultivated a new plant variety to gain their harvest.
3. MODAL + verb word
The farmers should cultivate a new plant variety to gain their harvest.
The game is interesting, but all the participants are struggling. (BENAR)
The game is interesting, but all the participants struggling. (SALAH)
Selalu gunakan BE untuk -ing form.
Selalu gunakan HAVE untuk participle.
Selalu gunakan MODAL untuk kata kerja.
Untuk auxiliary verb pasif, rumusnya adalah:
S + BE + participle
A new plant variety is cultivated by the farmers to gain their harvest.
A new plant variety has been cultivated by the farmer to gain their harvest.
A new plant variety should be cultivated by the farmers to gain their harvest.
Thank you 🙂
dan semua modal (can, chall, may, dst) merupakan auxiliary verb.
Typo Pak Eko... "chall" itu harusnya "shall"...