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Aturan penggunaan adverb di awal kalimat bahasa Inggris beserta contohnya

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Bagaimana aturan penggunaan adverb di awal kalimat serta bagaimana rumus dan contohnya?

Adverb atau kata keterangan dapat ditempatkan di awal dan di tengah kalimat. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan emnjelaskan tentang penempatan atau penggunaan adverb di awal suatu kalimat. Perhatikan kelimat berikut ini:

  • Hardly does Juan remember the accident that took his sister’s life.

Kalimat di atas adverbialnya terletak di awal kalimat.Berikut ini aturan atau rumus / pola kalimatnya:

[Hardly, rarely, seldom, never, dan only] + auxiliary + subject + verb ….

Contoh kalimat:

  1. Never have so many people been unemployed as today. (So many people have never been unemployed as today.)
  2. Hardly had he fallen asleep when he began to dream of far-away lands. (He had hardly fallen asleep when he began to dream….)
  3. Rarely have we seen such an effective actor as he has proven himself to be. (We have rarely seen such an effective actor….)
  4. Seldom does class let out early (Class seldom lets out early.)
  5. Only by hard work will we be able to accomplish this great task. (We will be able to accomplish this great task only by hard work.)

Itu tadi contoh penggunaan adverb di awal kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.