Jan 10, 2023 2:17 am
Apa saja contoh kosakata atau vocabulary bahasa Inggris tentang handphone dan smartphone?
Saat ini hampir semua masyarakat Indonesia punya handphone dan smartphone karena kedua gadget tersebut digunakan untuk berkomunikasi sehari-hari. Dalam penggunaan handphone dan smartphone setiap hari, tentu kita menjumpai istilah atau kata-kata bahasa Inggris perihal pengoperasian kedua perangkat itu.
Berikut ini beberapa contoh kosakata atau vocabulary dan istilah bahasa Inggris seputar handphone dan smartphone beserta dengan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia:
- smartphone = ponsel pintar
- cellphone = ponsel
- mobile phone = telepon seluler
- screen = layar
- display = tampilan
- touch screen = layar sentuh
- touchscreen = layar sentuh
- keypad = tombol
- keyboard = papan ketik
- buttons = tombol
- case = kasus
- cover = penutup
- battery = baterai
- charger = pengisi daya
- power cord = kabel daya
- earphones = headphone
- headphones = headphone
- speaker = speaker
- microphone = mikrofon
- camera = kamera
- flash = lampu kilat
- lens = lensa
- memory = memori
- storage = penyimpanan
- SD card = kartu SD
- SIM card = kartu SIM
- call = panggilan
- text = teks
- message = pesan
- email = email
- internet = internet
- data = data
- Wi-Fi = Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth = Bluetooth
- app = aplikasi
- application = aplikasi
- software = perangkat lunak
- operating system = sistem operasi
- iOS = iOS
- Android = Android
- Windows = Windows
- Blackberry = Blackberry
- social media = media sosial
- Facebook = Facebook
- Instagram = Instagram
- Twitter = Twitter
- Snapchat = Snapchat
- TikTok = TikTok
- streaming = streaming
- music = musik
- video = video
- movie = film
- television = televisi
- news = berita
- weather = cuaca
- map = peta
- navigation = navigasi
- calculator = kalkulator
- clock = jam
- alarm = alarm
- timer = timer
- stopwatch = stopwatch
- calendar = kalender
- notes = catatan
- to-do list = daftar ke-daftar
- contacts = kontak
- address book = buku alamat
- phonebook = buku telepon
- bookmark = bookmark
- history = sejarah
- search = cari
- settings = pengaturan
- security = keamanan
- password = kata sandi
- lock = kunci
- unlock = buka kunci
- facial recognition = pengenalan wajah
- fingerprint = sidik jari
- biometric = biometrik
- encryption = enkripsi
- virus = virus
- malware = malware
- spyware = spyware
- adware = adware
- phishing = phishing
- hacking = hacking
- cyberbullying = cyberbullying
- online privacy = privasi online
- cyber security = keamanan cyber
- update = update
- upgrade = upgrade
- repair = perbaikan
- warranty = garansi
- insurance = asuransi
- customer service = layanan pelanggan
- technical support = dukungan teknis
- user manual = panduan pengguna
- feature = fitur
- capability = kemampuan
- functionality = fungsi
- performance = kinerja
- processor = prosesor
- speed = kecepatan
- connectivity = konektivitas
- network = jaringan
- signal = sinyal
- roaming = roaming
- international = internasional
- long distance = jarak jauh
- call waiting = panggilan menunggu
- voicemail = pesan suara
- conference call = panggilan konferensi
- video call = panggilan video
- voice recognition = pengenalan suara
- voice control = kontrol suara
- voice commands = perintah suara
- virtual assistant = asisten virtual
- Siri = Siri
- Google Assistant = Google Assistant
- Alexa = Alexa
- Cortana = Cortana
- Bixby = Bixby
- hands-free = tangan bebas
- voice dialing = panggilan suara
- speakerphone = speakerphone
- mute = matikan suara
- volume = volume
- ringtone = nada dering
- vibration = getaran
- notification = notifikasi
- alert = peringatan
- reminder = pengingat
- clock alarm = alarm jam
- calendar event = acara kalender
- weather alert = peringatan cuaca
- push notification = notifikasi push
- download = unduh
- upload = unggah
- file = berkas
- folder = folder
- document = dokumen
- photo = foto
- image = gambar
- picture = gambar
- video clip = klip video
- audio = audio
- music track = trek musik
Berikut ini contoh penggunaan beberapa kata di atas dalam kalimat:
- I use my smartphone to make calls, send texts, and access the internet. (Saya menggunakan ponsel pintar saya untuk menelepon, mengirim teks, dan mengakses internet.)
- My phone has a high-resolution display and a long-lasting battery. (Ponsel saya memiliki tampilan resolusi tinggi dan baterai yang tahan lama.)
- I always keep my phone in a protective case to prevent scratches on the screen. (Saya selalu menyimpan ponsel saya dalam kasus pelindung untuk mencegah goresan pada layar.)
- I use earphones to listen to music and take phone calls privately. (Saya menggunakan headphone untuk mendengarkan musik dan menerima panggilan telepon secara pribadi.)
- My phone's camera has a flash and a wide-angle lens for taking high-quality photos. (Kamera ponsel saya memiliki lampu kilat dan lensa wide-angle untuk mengambil foto berkualitas tinggi.)
Itu tadi daftar kosakata atau vocabulary bahasa Inggris seputar handphone dan smartphone.