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Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris "operasi perhitungan matematika"

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Bagaimana contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris "operasi perhitungan matematika"?

Dalam dunia matematika terdapat berbagai macam operasi penghitungan (mathematical operations) seperti penjumlahan/penambahan (addition), pengurangan (subtraction), perkalian (multiplication), dan pembagian (division). Berikut adalah beberapa contoh dialog bahasa Inggris seputar operasi penghitungan matematika:

Percakapan 1:

Dea: What are you doing, John? (Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan, John?)

John: I am doing my assignment. It should be submitted tomorrow. (Saya sedang mengerjakan tugas. Ini harus dikumpulkan besok.)

Dea: What subject is it? (Pelajaran apa?)

John: Mathematics. Would you like to help me? (Matematika. Maukah kamu membantuku?)

Dea: What topic is it? (Topiknya apa?)

John: It is calculation. (Perhitungan.)

Dea: Ok. Which one? (Ok. Yang mana?)

John: What is twelve plus eighteen? (12+18 sama dengan berapa?)

Dea: Twelve plus eighteen is thirty. (12+18= 30)

John: What is forty five divided by nine? (45:9 sama dengan berapa?)

Dea: Forty five divided by nine is five. (45:9= 5)

John: Next, what is twenty two minus seven? (Kemudian, 22-7 sama dengan berapa?)

Dea: Twenty two minus seven equals fifteen. (22-7= 15)

John: The last one, what is nine divided by three? (Yang terakhir, 9:3 sama dengan berapa?)

Dea: Nine divided by three equals three. (9:3= 3)

John: It's done. Thank you Dea. (Sudah selesai. Terima kasih Dea.)

Dea: Don't mention it. (Tidak masalah.)

Percakapan 2:

Dibyo: Hi, Jess, What's up? You look so serious. (Hai, Jess. Apa kabar? Kamu terlihat sangat serius.)

Jessica: I'm counting my expenses last week. (Akus sedang menghitung pengeluaranku minggu lalu.)

Dibyo: May I help you? (Bolehkah aku membantumu?)

Jessica: I do need help. What is tho hundred and forty thousand multiplied by two? (Aku memang butuh bantuan. 240.000x2 sama dengan berapa?)

Dibyo: Two hundred and forty thousand multiplied by two is four hundred and eighty thousand. (240.000x2= 480.000)

Jessica: Next, what is four hundred and eighty thousand plus two hundred and forty thousand? (Selanjutnya, 480.000+140.000 sama dengan berapa?)

Dibyo: Four thousand and eighty thousand plus one hundred and forty thousand is six hundred and twenty thousand. (480.000+140.000= 620.000)

Jessica: Oh my God! This week I spent six hundred and twenty thousand rupiahs. (Ya Tuhan! Minggu ini aku menghabiskan Rp 620.000)

Dibyo: So wasteful! (Boros sekali!)