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Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa baru di kampus

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Anggita Kumalasari
Posts: 284
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Bagaimana contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa baru di kampus?

Kampus berasal dari bahasa Latin; campus yang berarti “lapangan luas”. Dalam pengertian modern, kampus berarti, sebuah kompleks atau daerah tertutup yang merupakan kumpulan gedung-gedung universitas atau perguruan tinggi. Bisa pula berarti sebuah cabang daripada universitas sendiri. Misalkan Universitas Indonesia di Jakarta, Indonesia memiliki ‘kampus Salemba’ dan ‘kampus Depok’, atau Universitas Bunda Mulia memiliki ‘kampus Lodan’.

Di Inggris dan banyak negara jajahannya seperti Amerika Serikat dan lain-lain, sebuah kampus terdiri dari universitas atau sekolah dengan asrama atau tempat kos atau pondok para mahasiswa atau website kampus. Di sana sebuah gedung sekolah berada di kompleks yang sama dengan gedung penginapan.

Ada 3 bagian dalam contoh dialog di bawah ini, yaitu:

  1. Opening
  2. Main Idea
  3. Leave Taking

Kampus merupakan tempat yang asing jika kalian sebagai mahasiswa baru. Oleh sebab itu ada istilahnya Orientasi Studi dan Pengenalan Kampus atau Ospek merupakan kegiatan awal bagi setiap peserta didik yang menempuh jenjang perguruan tinggi. Ospek dengan seluruh rangkaian acaranya merupakan pembentukan watak bagi seorang mahasiswa baru. Pada situasi ini mahasiswa memliki kesempatan satu sama lain untuk saling mengenal baik mengenal rekan satu tingkat ataupun ngobrol tentang pengalaman si kakak tingkat.

Berikut ini percakapannya:

Situation: Anna is a new student at the University. What will she do at the campus for the first time? Let’s check the following conversation below!
Situasi: Anna adalah mahasiswa baru di Universitas. Apa yang akan dia lakukan di kampus untuk pertama kalinya? Mari kita periksa percakapan berikut di bawah ini!

  • Anna: Excuse me. Would you like to help me?
  • Anna: Permisi. Maukah kamu membantuku?
  • Mario: Sure. What can I for you?
  • Mario: Tentu. Apa yang bisa aku bantu untukmu?
  • Anna: My name is Anna. I’m a new student at this campus. I’m looking for D building. Would you like to tell me where it is?
  • Anna: Namaku Anna. Aku seorang mahasiswa baru di kampus ini. Aku mencari gedung D. Apakah kamu ingin memberi tahuku letaknya?
  • Mario: Oh I see. D building is next to C building which is located across from the basketball field. From here, go straight until you find the ATM after that turn right, there is a basketball field. Go straight about 20 meters then turn left. You will find the C building. D building is next to the C building.
  • Mario: Oh aku tau. Gedung D terletak di sebelah gedung C yang terletak di seberang lapangan basket. Dari sini, jalan lurus sampai kamu menemukan ATM setelah belokan ke kanan, ada lapangan basket. Jalan lurus sekitar 20 meter lalu belok kiri. kamu akan menemukan gedung C. Gedung D terletak di sebelah gedung C.
  • Anna: Thank you. And what is your name?
  • Anna: Terima kasih. Dan siapa namamu?
  • Mario: Please call me Mario. I’m third-semester majoring Informatics System. By the way, do you have any scheduled class in D building?
  • Mario: Panggil saja Mario. Aku semester tiga jurusan Sistem Informatika. Ngomong-ngomong, apakah kamu ada kelas terjadwal di gedung D?
  • Anna: Yeah. I’ll take Management Introduction.
  • Anna: Ya. Aku akan mengambil Pengantar Manajemen.
  • Mario: Oh, you are a Management student, aren’t you?
  • Mario: Oh, kamu mahasiswa Manajemen, bukan?
  • Anna: Yes. What time does the second class begin?
  • Anna: Ya. Jam berapa kelas kedua dimulai?
  • Mario: Well, it’s 9:10 AM.
  • Mario: Jam 9:10.
  • Anna: Oh… Now is 8:30 AM.
  • Anna: Oh … Sekarang jam 8:30.
  • Mario: Yeah. I didn’t follow my first section class at 7 o’clock.
  • Mario: Ya. Aku tidak mengikuti kelas pertamaku pada jam 7 pagi.
  • Anna: I’m sorry to hear that.
  • Anna: Saya menyesal mendengarnya.
  • Mario: That’s okay. It was my fault. I was late because I had a sleepless last night. You know, you will have lots of assignments from the lectures in the third semester until the last semester.
  • Mario: Tidak apa-apa. Itu kesalahanku. Aku terlambat karena aku tidak dapat tidur tadi malam. Kamu tahu, kamu akan memiliki banyak tugas dari para dosen pada semester ketiga hingga semester terakhir.
  • Anna: For real! I didn’t know that. Thanks for the information.
  • Anna: Beneran! Aku tidak tahu itu. Terima kasih untuk informasinya.
  • Mario: Yeah. Will you have any schedule after the second section class?
  • Mario: Ya. Apakah kamu akan memiliki jadwal setelah kelas kedua?
  • Anna: I’m not sure. Let me see my schedule.
  • Anna: Aku tidak yakin. Biar aku melihat jadwalku.
  • a minute later…
    semenit kemudian …
  • Anna: I don’t have any schedule. What’s up?
  • Anna: Aku tidak punya jadwal. Ada apa?
  • Mario: I’ll be in the cafeteria to get lunch. If you don’t mind you can join me. Maybe we can share the information about this campus.
  • Mario: Aku akan berada di kafetaria untuk makan siang. Jika kamu tidak keberatan kamu dapat bergabung denganku. Mungkin kita bisa berbagi informasi tentang kampus ini.
  • Anna: That’s a good idea. But I’m not for sure about that because I’ll have to see Mrs. Doyle in her Management Office.
  • Anna: Itu ide yang bagus. Tapi aku tidak yakin tentang itu karena aku harus menemui Ibu Doyle di Kantor Manajemennya.
  • Mario: That’s okay. Maybe next time.
  • Mario: Tidak apa-apa. Mungkin lain kali.
  • Anna: I’m so sorry… How about if we meet at the D building after the class over? 
  • Anna: Aku minta maaf… Bagaimana jika kita bertemu di gedung D setelah kelas selesai? 
  • Mario: That will be great. 
  • Mario: Itu bagus sekali. 
  • Anna: Okay. See you around.
  • Anna: Oke. Sampai nanti.
  • Mario: See you.
  • Mario: Sampai nanti.


Situasi di atas kerap terjadi walapun tidak semua mahasiswa mengalaminya. Btw, cerita ini hanya fiktif belaka ya… 
Nah informasi apa saja yang didapat pada contoh dialog di atas?

1. Introduction

  • Ana: My name is Anna. I’m a new student at this campus. I’m looking for D building. Would you like to tell me where it is?
  • Anna: Thank you. And what is your name?
  • Mario: Please call me Mario. I’m third-semester majoring Informatics System. By the way, do you have any scheduled class in D building?

2. Direction

  • Ana: My name is Anna. I’m a new student at this campus. I’m looking for D building. Would you like to tell me where it is?
  • Mario: Oh I see. D building is next to C building which located across from the basketball field. From here, go straight until you find the ATM after that turn right, there is a basketball field. Go straight about 20 meters then turn left. You will find the C building. D building is next to the C building. 

3. Asking for Help

  • Anna: Excuse me. Would you like to help me?
  • Mario: Sure. What can I for you?

4. Invitation

  • Mario: I’ll be in the cafeteria to get lunch. If you don’t mind you can join me. Maybe we can share the information about this campus.

Pembahasan Materi

Lalu materi pendukung yang ada pada dialog di atas adalah: Basic Tenses, Grammar dan Expression.
Simak penjelasan di bawah ini:

1. Pelajari tentang Tenses

Tenses merupakan hal penting dalam membuat sebuah dialog. Simak pembahasan tentang English Tenses di sini!

Simple Present Tense
  • Anna: My name is Anna. I’m a new student at this campus. I’m looking for D building. Would you like to tell me where it is?
  • Mario: Oh I see. D building is next to the C building which is located across from the basketball field. From here, go straight until you find the ATM after that turn right, there is a basketball field. Go straight about 20 meters then turn left. You will find the C building. D building is next to the C building.
  • Anna: Thank you. And what is your name?
  • Mario: Please call me Mario. I’m third-semester majoring Informatics System. By the way, do you have any scheduled class in D building?

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan beberapa contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense.

Present Continuous Tense
  • Anna: My name is Anna. I’m a new student at this campus. I’m looking for D building. Would you like to tell me where it is?

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Present Continuous Tense.

Simple Future Tense
  • Mario: Oh I see. D building is next to C building which is located across from basketball field. From here, go straight until you find the ATM after that turn right, there is a basketball field. Go straight about 20 meters then turn left. You will find the C building. D building is next to the C building.
  • Anna: Yeah. I’ll take Management Introduction.
  • Mario: Yeah. Will you have any schedule after the second section class?

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Future Tense.

Simple Past Tense
  • Mario: Yeah. I didn’t follow my first section class at 7 o’clock.
  • Mario: That’s okay. It was my fault. I was late because I had a sleepless last night. You know, you will have lots of assignments from the lectures in the third semester until the last semester.
  • Anna: For real! I didn’t know that. Thanks for the information.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Past Tense. 

2. Pelajari tentang Grammar

Selain Tenses, Grammar pendukung memegang peranan penting dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti:

Imperative Sentence
  • Mario: Oh I see. D building is next to C building which is located across from the basketball field. From here, go straight until you find the ATM after that turn right, there is a basketball field. Go straight about 20 meters then turn left. You will find the C building. D building is next to the C building.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Imperative Sentence.

Passive Voice
  • Mario: Oh I see. D building is next to C building which is located across from the basketball field. From here, go straight until you find the ATM after that turn right, there is basketball field. Go straight about 20 meters then turn left. You will find the C building. D building is next to C building.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Passive Voice.

Question Tags
  • Mario: Oh, you are Management student, aren’t you?

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Question Tags.

3. Pelajari tentang Expression

Kalian dapat menggunakan beberapa Expression dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti contoh di atas.

Polite Expression
  • Anna: Excuse me. Would you like to help me?
  • Anna: My name is Anna. I’m a new student at this campus. I’m looking for D building. Would you like to tell me where it is?
Asking for Help
  • Anna: Excuse me. Would you like to help me?
  • Anna: My name is Anna. I’m a new student at this campus. I’m looking for D building. Would you like to tell me where it is?
Offering Help
  • Mario: Sure. What can I for you?
Giving Help
  • Mario: Sure. What can I for you?
  • Mario: Oh I see. D building is next to C building which is located across from the basketball field. From here, go straight until you find the ATM after that turn right, there is a basketball field. Go straight about 20 meters then turn left. You will find the C building. D building is next to the C building.
