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Contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan reciprocal pronouns

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Dalam bahasa Inggris ada yang disebut dengan reciprocal pronouns. Apa yang dimaksud dengan reciprocal pronouns dan bagaimana contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris?

Pengertian reciprocal pronouns

Reciprocal pronoun adalah kata ganti yang menunjukkan pengertian berbalas-balasan atau saling. Kalau orang atau benda yang dimaksud jumlahnya hanya dua, maka kita bisa menggunakan "each other". Tapi kalau jumlah orang atau benda lebih dari dua, maka kita bisa mennggunakan "one another".

Perhatikan kalimat berikut ini:

Linda and I are helping each other to solve their case in those tasks.

Dalam bahasa Indonesia diartikan:

Linda dan aku sedang saling membantu satu sama lain untuk menyelesaikan kasus dalam tugas tersebut.

Jika diperhatikan ada frasa kata yang ditebalkan, each other yang memiliki arti satu sama lain adalah kata ganti benda reciprocal pronouns. Kata ganti benda ini dipakai saat subjek berbentuk jamak (subjeknya lebih dari satu) dan pelengkap menggantikan seseorang (someone) atau sesuatu (something) yang sama.

Pola dalam kalimat:

S + V + Pronoun (reciprocal)

  • We must help each other if we want to success
  • Emma and he love each other everyday
  • Let us face each other tonight

Catatan: Perlu diketahui bahwa ‘each other’ digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang timbal balik untuk semua orang. Kita juga bisa menggunakan "one another".

S + V + Pronoun (reciprocal)

  • We must help one another if we want to success
  • Emma and he love one another everyday
  • Let us face one another tonight

Contoh lainnya:

Incorrect: We won’t find each another at that crowded place.
Correct : We won’t find each other at that crowded place or We won’t find one another at that crowded place.

Incorrect: Mione and Drake never met one to another again before.
Correct : Mione and Drake never met each other again before.

Incorrect: Luna and he never meet one to another again.
Correct : Luna and he never meet each other again.

Incorrect: Let’s hold hands each another again to break this spell.
Correct : Let’s hold hands each other again to break this spell.

Incorrect: Would you mind meeting me each to another after class?
Correct : Would you mind meeting me one another after class?

Incorrect: Are they finally fighting each to other?
Correct : Are they finally fighting each other?

Incorrect: Theo and Blaise have never called one to another since the day.
Correct : Theo and Blaise have never called each other since the day.

Incorrect: We haven’t hated each to the other since he has asked for forgiveness.
Correct : We haven’t hated each other since he has asked for forgiveness.

Incorrect: We don’t love one to another anymore due to his cheating behind me.
Correct : We don’t love one another anymore due to his cheating behind me.

Incorrect: Liam and I never have quarrel each to another again.
Correct : Liam and I never have quarrel each other again.