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Buatlah tesk report tentang ayam dlm bahasa inggris

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Buatlah tesk report tentang ayam dlm bahasa inggis minimal 2 lembar kertas hvs. Dan artinya ya kak, btw 2 lembat hvs itu untuk bhs Inggrisnya aja artinya enggak. Plis bantuuuuu

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Chicken its an animal life at land, usually this animal become a pet wich reproduce for food needs. there is many kinds of chicken from kinds chicken like life at jungle, KT chicken , laying hens,broilers,kampong Chicken and many kinds . usually chicken for reproduce food needs is kinds of broilers

Chicken have a good taste if you cook this animal,many types of food that you can make from chicken meat. from fried chicken,grilled chicken,Sweet Spicy Chicken Sauce,chicken soup and many kinds meatball also use chicken meat too.

and chicken also have their own characteristics, their have two foot with eight finggers with claws for dig the ground for food such as worms and other insects.

chicken have beak to peck prey or food that he got,for you know chicken its not having a earlobe but have chicken's comb. chicken probably have wings but they cant fly like a bird, his body covered with feathers and chicken have many color like black, white, or mix color.

and chicken reproduce by laying eggs, usually chicken it spawned 20 days, the brood period was 21 days, the parenting period was 39 days and the rest period was 10 days. So, in a year native chickens are able to reproduce 4 times, with a total egg production of 60 eggs

dahh buntu pikiran ku kamu tinggal cari lagi tentang ayam apa lagi ituu bisa kamu translate sendiripake UDictionary atau googel translate

semoga membantuu yaa

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Joined: 4 years ago

Posts: 27

@aldo thanks kak
