Latihan soal elliptical construction 1

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Posts: 491
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Joined: 6 years ago

Make elliptical construction from the following sentences.

1.The boy did the test very well, and David ____.


2.He shouldn’t try to repair the printer himself, and ____you.


3.This car cost 120 million rupiahs, and _____ his car over there.


4.Inem doesn’t like working hard and Inah ____.


5.His car needs repairing, and ____ mine.


6.Nottingham Forest team have lost three matches, and Leichester City team ____.


7.Indonesia is struggling to recover from economic crisis, and ____ some other Asian countries.


8.Those trousers are not too expensive, and ____ these ones.


9.She has a large collection of rare stamps, and ____ on of my brothers.


10.The enemy soldiers fired continuously at us, and ____ their tanks.
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Joined: 5 years ago

Kunci jawaban:

  1. The boy did the test very well, and David did it even better.

  2. He shouldn't try to repair the printer himself, and neither should you.

  3. This car cost 120 million rupiahs, and so does his car over there.

  4. Inem doesn't like working hard, and neither does Inah.

  5. His car needs repairing, and so does mine.

  6. Nottingham Forest team have lost three matches, and Leicester City team has lost four.

  7. Indonesia is struggling to recover from the economic crisis, and so are some other Asian countries.

  8. Those trousers are not too expensive, and neither are these ones.

  9. She has a large collection of rare stamps, and so does one of my brothers.

  10. The enemy soldiers fired continuously at us, and so did their tanks.
