Latihan soal conditional sentences 22

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Posts: 491
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Joined: 6 years ago
1.Vincent: Why are you sad Nico?
Nico: I'm not sad, I'm just confuseD) I'm afraid I will fail on the recruitment test.
Vincent: Don't worry. If you study real hard, ____
2.I've been thinking maybe If we had continued our study to college, ____
3.When a lizard is in danger, ____
4.Craig: To meet Mr. Lucas. If ____, I would meet him.
5.Coach: What would you do if you were the captain?
Me: If I were the captain of this team, ____
6.Oscar: I felt bad about Henna.
Dani: Why?
Oscar: Because she almost got that position.
If she had been more patient, she ____ the opportunity.
7.Mss. Clara: What is your plan after graduating?
Robin: I want to be an accountant. But sometimes I doubt. I failed on Math test last week and the week before.
Mss. Clara: Don't give up ____, you will reach your dream someday.
8.Jimmy: Sometimes I imagine, what if the time machine does exist. Or a human could travel through the time line.
Wendy: Seriously? What would you do with that anyway?
Jimmy: If I ____ ability to go back to the past, I ____ warn myself in the past to stay away from her.
9.Emanuel: My little brother always tells me that he wants to go back to the Jurassic era. He wants to live at the same period with the dinosaur.
Owen: That's funny, you should tell him that ____
10.Complete the conditional sentence below.
When you have high speed internet connection, ____
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Posts: 702
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Joined: 5 years ago

Kunci jawaban:

  1. B) you will pass the test successfully.

  2. A) we would have had a better job.

  3. A) It drops its tail.

  4. C) I arrive at the right time.

  5. D) I would motivate my team to be a champion.

  6. B) wouldn't have lost.

  7. C) If you keep practicing, you will reach your dream someday.

  8. A) had - would.

  9. B) if he lives at the dinosaur era, T-Rex will eat him for breakfast.

  10. C) it will be easy to download the large file.
