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Latihan soal articles 22

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Posts: 380
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Joined: 4 years ago
1.Soon our team scored ____ goal and won ____ game.
2.Let's have ____ good breakfast and start the day.
3.____ youngest boy has just started going to school, ____ eldest boy is at ____ college.
4.-Did you come by ____ air?
-No, I came by ____ sea. I had a lovely voyage on ____ Queen
5.We have a very good train service from here to ____ city centre and many people go to ____ work by train.
6.- I didn't recognize you. You look different.
- I know I lost ____ lot of ____ weight.
7.____ sun came out right after ____ rain and there was ____ beautiful rainbow in ____ sky.
8.I always have ____ breakfast at 8 a.m. Today I had ____ very nice breakfast.
9.He was ____ very tall man with ____ dark hair.
10.Would you like to be ____ English teacher at ____ college.
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