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Latihan soal articles 17

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Posts: 491
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Joined: 6 years ago
1.____ most favorite game is cricket, which is called by ____ English "____ greatest game in ____ world".
2.In his childhood he lived with ____ grandfather, ____ poor tailor.
3.____ night being sharp and frosty, we trembled from ____ foot to ____ head.
4.My ____ friend likes to listen to ____ good story.
5.____ idea of helping ____ man was unpleasant in itself.
6.When I lived in Paris some years ago I used to buy ____ copy of Le Monde every evening at ____ same local newspaper kiosk.
7.____ death of her husband resulted in ____ loss of her home also.
8.Peter is on ____ night duty. When I go to ____ bed, he goes to ____ work.
9.R.Peary was ____ famous American polar traveler. He was ____ first to reach ____ North Pole in 1909.
10.He likes to have ____ rest in ____ country.
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